Phrase: focus

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  • 3 ways of living a life on limited income

    When you are flowing, money may be flowing but it may be time to consider an aggressive saving strategy to be able to meet your financial goals faster. It is because you live in a world where you have much more reasons to spend money than actually, you do to save it. You just need […]

  • Degree is Over-Rated. Learning skills is the future


    Today, in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, almost everybody is talking about skills over a college degree for some specific domains. Employers are looking for experience and the right skills for the job. This shift has led to a growing realization that the traditional degree, while still important in some industries, is becoming […]

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Summary and Lessons

    rich dad poor dad (summary)

    Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is one of the top-selling books in the world. Written in 1997, the book focuses on the importance of financial independence and emphasizes the importance of building wealth through investments by comparing two fathers. This article includes a summary of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad and identifies important lessons for […]

  • Difference between successful and unsuccessful people.

    In any field, researchers often use a set of indicators to assess whether a system or technology is succeeding. The use of indicators focuses mainly on factors that help to yield greater profits for a company or an organization. Successful companies set goals for a solid business and then create strategic paths to reach these […]

  • How to write a cover letter for job?

    These days, there is a huge debate going on over cover letters. From the research, it has been revealed that 50% of recruiters think cover letters are essential for a job whereas the remaining 50% don’t think of them as having much value. While writing a cover letter for a job, you are not sure […]

  • 3 proven techniques to overcome procrastination and self-doubt

    Not only do drugs and smoking kill, but procrastination is also a killer too. When it comes to taking physical action on your plans, you often start experiencing paralyzing self-doubt and fear. Loaded with distractions, it turns into procrastination and creates a false illusion that you are achieving your goals and gradually it decreases your […]

  • 9 Passive Income Ideas for Increasing Your Cash Flow

    learn skills and make money

    You can make a great passive income to support yourself financially. Sometimes the side gig turns out to be so lucrative that people often hang up their full-time job shoes and focus on their passive income, converting it from passive to active. These 9 amazing internet-based passive income ideas do not require you to learn […]

  • 5 ways to improve your performance at work

    improve your performance

    Your mental strength and empowering beliefs are the key elements for achieving the best performance at work and creating personal power. Achieving your goals and finishes with your peak performance. But for the accomplishment of these goals you need to dedicate all your effort towards them. For the work you are passionate about, you need […]

  • Habits of highly successful people to learn from

    Habits of highly successful people

    Most individuals achieve a high degree of outward success but still find themselves struggling with an inner need for developing personal effectiveness as well as growing healthy relationships with the people around them. The way you see the world is entirely based on your own perception. Therefore, in order to change a given situation, you […]

  • How to become more confident in life?

    There are certain situations where you feel you lose confidence. Maybe, it is while interacting with your boss, parents, co-workers, and even sometimes strangers. You even lose confidence when you confront someone who is better educated, smarter, or more attractive than you. This lack of confidence matters the most when you are speaking publicly or […]

  • 6 Tips for effective time management and maximum productivity


    When it comes to running a small business, time is very precious. But sadly, there are never more than 24 hours in a day. Some people respond to this fact of life with focus and purpose. By adopting the right approach, you can work efficiently, productively, and relatively stress-free. Following are a few tips for […]

  • Morning healthy routine of successful people

    Before you step into the real world, you don’t care much about the mornings. But once your practical life starts, you get absolutely convinced that your day goes as your morning begins. And this is not at all about getting up at a certain hour; it is about giving you a morning healthy routine. If you […]

  • 8 impressive words in your resume that can catch an eye

    Many resumes are written with buzzwords that help them get sorted out quickly by the automated resume screener software used by major companies. But nearly everyone uses these buzzwords so it might not be the smartest way to get noticed. Also, these terms are so much overused that it becomes for the employer to differentiate […]

  • Introvert vs Extrovert Personality

    Both introverts and extroverts are wired differently. Introverts want to spend time alone and prefer quiet places. For handling their projects individually, they prefer working one-on-one or in small groups. on the other hand, extroverts thrive on being out among people. they love meeting new people for sharing their feelings and ideas. This is kind […]