Phrase: focus

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  • The concept of Digital Society

    Information technology is increasingly getting a central role in this digital society and now digitization prevails in all areas of individuals’ lives. Currently, private companies are handling this digital society therefore it has the potential for further progression by keeping societal interests in mind. Digitization in society has prepared people to keep pace with the […]

  • 7 characteristics of an exceptional employee

    Back in the early days, it was easy to be a great employee. It only required individuals to show up on time, work hard, be nice to their colleagues, and abide by all the rules. But nowadays, the working environment has changed completely and it requires an individual to bend and flex at work to […]

  • Why is Intellectual Capital Important and How to Develop it?

    The concept of Intellectual capital is rapidly becoming an important asset for a business. Intellectual capital is the foundation of all leadership goals. A very effective way to start is to decide on the broad-based audience and to decide on the focus through a leadership initiative. In these isolated times, any person can develop the […]

  • Why people who are always late are more successful

    Good manners are something that you really feel proud of and these are the traits that are often associated with perfectionism. Out of these, punctuality is one important trait that demonstrates respect for others. But there are some people who seem incapable of being on time at any place. It is a frustrating characteristic for […]

  • How to do Stress management?

    how to do time management

    A stress response is the human body’s defense mechanism against danger. We experience certain situations in our daily lives when either we try to avoid them or we fight them, fight or flight, which is called the stress response. Our body goes into physical and mental changes during a stress response. Our heart rate increases, […]

  • 5 Qualities Of A Great Leader


    The world today is increasingly complex and leadership is all about working with people to do new things in it. Leadership is in no way linked to authority instead it is about mobilizing people to tackle the hardest problems and to work their best. It is a trait that is embedded in every single human […]

  • A lesson for you to learn from a fly stuck inside a car

    Animals and plants can be a source of inspiration and lessons for those who want to learn a lot from life. Eagle teaches us leadership principles, Lion teaches us never to give up on our dreams, and the Bamboo tree has few success lessons to offer about life. They all teach us one thing or […]

  • 4 ways to reprogram your mind to stay positive daily

    Habit is a process of repeating something continuously. If one is not aware of the rewards of regular actions, it leads to bad habits. Bad habits lead to health, moral and ethical issues in life. If you are aware of your regular habits, it leads to good health, and happiness in life. Humans have always […]

  • 5 Books For Improving Your Mental Strength

    There are so many aspects that go into achieving success but mental strength counts the most when it comes to working for your goals. But this mental strength can be increased by training the muscles in your body to grow stronger and more adept. There are certain approaches to strengthen this muscle instead of quick […]

  • 5 signs that tell you that anxiety has become a big issue for you

    Anxiety is a normal emotion and is considered essential for survival. But for some people, anxiety gets triggered at the least provocation. Because the ongoing and excessive fear causes considerable distress in a person’s everyday life. Excessive anxiety can send a person into a severe depressive state. Therefore, you need to keep a lookout for […]

  • What Is The Best Way To Make Money?

    Where ever I go, the 1st question I am typically asked is ‘What is the best way to make money? Be it a seminar, a public gathering, or even a Ted talk, this question never skips a beat. After successfully freelancing for over 2 decades on one of the world’s biggest freelance marketplaces called, […]

  • How gaining skills virtually will close the gap between skilled and unskilled workers?


    Quite a while ago it was a held view that hands-on close-to-home consideration was important to lift up understudies who need to fill holes in their instruction, beat life impediments, and afterward advance in the corporate world. In any case, numerous masters and others state they have discovered significantly more of their preparation should be […]

  • How to boost your self-awareness for success?

    Self-awareness has always been an intriguing subject of philosophers and psychologists for the last century. The study of self-awareness reveals that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their current behavior to their interval standards and values. It is important that self-awareness is not about what you notice about yourself, it […]

  • 5 Habits of exceptionally successful leaders

    True leadership is indeed a difficult thing to pin down and understand. Even if you are working for one of the great leaders, they can have a hard time explaining the specifics of what they do that make their leadership so effective. But great leadership is dynamic and it requires habits that they perform on […]

  • You will live an average life if you don’t love what you do

    In order to achieve something in life, being passionate about it is mandatory. It’s like pursuing your goal with enthusiasm knowing how badly you need to achieve something. Passion is what you love doing. If you are dragged towards something as a magnet attracts an object, it means you are passionate about it. Your passion […]

  • 6 traits that every Leader should employ

    Development entrepreneurs, pioneers, and supervisors keep on being stuck before. They neglect to acknowledge by crushing out the last drop of profitability, slicing their overhead to the stripped-down, attempting to eliminate position costs, working more earnestly, and proceeding to work together with a similar path with the regular old clients, won’t expand their net revenue […]