Phrase: focus

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  • 3 Most Beneficial Business Processes To Outsource


    Outsourcing is one of the fastest-growing business decisions made by managers and owners of small and large businesses alike, across the length and breadth of the country and there is a wide plethora of incredible, multi-faceted advantages to such a choice. Whether you have just made the bold and commendable decision to outsource one or […]

  • This is Elon Musk’s favorite job interview question and most people can’t answer

    SpaceX CEO Elon Musk personally interviewed its first one thousand workers during the early years of starting the company. The people to whom he was asking the question included janitors and technicians of the company. The famous riddle he was asking everyone was While standing on the surface of the earth, you walk one mile […]

  • Learn How To Leverage E-Commerce For Commercial Success

    e-commerce high demand 2021

    When we think of e-commerce, the first thing that comes to mind for most of us are online retail stores that sell their goods directly to customers, but this is not the only application for e-commerce.  Businesses can also transact with each other via a B2B e-commerce platform. These platforms are designed especially to make […]

  • How to Make Your Employees Feel Special Year Round

    happy employees

    When you acknowledge the achievements of employees and teams, you boost employee morale and enjoy a lower turnover. Traditionally, organizations attracted talents with medical benefits, competitive pay. However, employees’ desires have evolved significantly in the last few years. Today, workers want to feel appreciated and engaged, and they prefer a healthy workplace without harassment or […]

  • Resume VS CV – What’s the difference?

    While looking for job postings, you may have noticed that some employers ask for resumes whereas there are some who prefer a CV. Although both these documents are used in job applications, these documents have a few distant differences. In order to help you prepare for the right documentation for your job, the following is […]

  • Feeling down?. Here is what to do

    Positive things set the foundation for a productive day and it becomes more important when it is in the form of positive self-talk because it is the most powerful form of communication. This is the kind of communication that either empowers your defeats you. But the positive inner dialogue is very powerful for your well-being […]

  • 6 ways how happy people start their mornings

    For most people, mornings begin in a rushed panic. You allow your alarm clock to buzz at least a dozen times before you decide you have to get out of bed. After that, you rush around your home half-awake trying to get ready for the day. But on the other hand, happy people tend to […]

  • 4 Self-help tips that may actually be hurting you

    Everyone wants to be successful but some things such as tyrannical bosses, stapler-stealing co-workers, and every person trying to be the CEO keeps bringing you down. In an effort to balance the scales by following the advice of self-help books or motivational guides, you try most of the things that hurt your career. These are […]

  • 44% of Pakistani prefer business over jobs. Prince Trust International reports

    There is a huge paradigm shift in the preference of young Pakistani people for work. Many Pakistani, aged between 18 to 36 are more inclined to do business than Government or private jobs, Prince Trust International reports. A London-based organization that vows to develop emerging and trending skills in young people to get their dream […]

  • 6 keys to Improve personal development

    You feel really hard where to begin when it comes to personal development. You feel confused about either to start eliminating your weaknesses or focusing on your strengths to build them up further. Sometimes, you think of doing something completely new. It feels like you are in a state of analysis paralysis and not at […]

  • Tech Tips for Freelance Product Designers

    freelance product designer

    Being a freelancer is an exciting path to go down, especially as a product designer.  Product designers are some of the most creative (and ambitious) individuals on the planet. Each product designer is different from the next; some specialize in household appliances, some are gifted at creating smartphone accessories, whilst others are talented at making […]

  • Vital Tips How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    A resume is a document that is going to work as a front-line soldier and speak in front of a potential employer or hiring manager. Whenever you are applying for a job, you would need to submit a resume. A strong resume can help you stand out from the crowd, and if you design and […]

  • Stop getting inspired by Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg college dropout stories

    With the growing penetration of the internet, the success stories of college dropouts are getting popular worldwide. There is a reason. These stories are inspiring and typically used to promote entrepreneurship and throw a huge axe at the education system. They are used to encourage budding entrepreneurs who are still in college to focus more […]

  • 5 Books for finding happiness

    Do you experience sadness, anxiety, and feel down all the time?. We have compiled 5 books for finding happiness that would suffice to steer your life towards a happy state. In this competitive world, where humans are hooked to technology that often makes their life stressed, simple hacks about staying happy are useful. Reading books […]

  • Khan Academy Comes To Pakistan

    Khan Academy Comes To Pakistan. Khan Academy is a world-renowned forum that provides free, top-quality, online education content. It is an American non-profit educational organization that was created in 2007 by Sal Khan, intending to create a set of online tools to help educate students. Sal is a former Hedge Fund analyst with degrees from […]

  • The Top 5 Books on Marketing in the Modern World 

    Marketing seems to be an area of business that is constantly evolving, especially in the age of the internet. Due to fluctuating trends, the rise of influencers, and the emphasized importance of businesses building and maintaining an online following, the most effective forms of marketing are extremely different now from what they were a decade […]

  • How to use Instagram for marketing?

    get instagram followers

    In the last year 2020, Instagram dethroned Facebook as the undisputed king of social media. Instagram is one amazing platform to brand your business and reach out to millions of people instantly. Want to learn how to use Instagram for marketing?. This post will help you out a long way to promote your business. If […]

  • Facebook is introducing a Smart Watch

    Facebook, the world’s largest social networking company is working on introducing its first smartwatch. The smartwatch is reported to have two detachable cameras and also a possible heartbeat monitor. The device’s two cameras can be detached from the wrist for taking pictures and videos that can be posted on Facebook and Instagram. The front camera […]

  • The Five Hour Rule | How can it change your life forever?

    The joy of understanding and learning is indispensable; it boosts enthusiasm and provides happiness. Most successful people in life do not lose their connection with books; they acquire knowledge to attain individual consistency and persistence to reach their desired goals. Our world recognizes people who are exceptional in their performance from the rest of the […]