Phrase: focus

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  • Elon Musk donates $5 million to education group Khan Academy

    Elon Musk

    Giving back to the community is very important. One of the ways of doing it is through charity because this helps money float within the society and lifts everybody up. World’s richest man, Elon Musk understands the importance of education. He has donated $5 million to education group Khan Academy. Khan Academy founder Salman Khan […]

  • How to make $1000 and more doing freelancing every month?

    Ever since humans came on planet earth, they have been wondering how to survive. The post barter system era has been a real struggle for survival because of financial units introduced worldwide. If you have money, you survive and live and if you do not, well, you’ve got to figure out how to get to […]

  • Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Book Summary

    Think and grow rich by napoleon hill is a top-selling book with over 15 million copies sold all over the world. The book was originally published in 1937 and throws deep insights into monetary and personal satisfaction for entrepreneurs. Struggling financially? The book “think and grow rich” not only talks about how to think big […]

  • Making money online – is it real and how do you do it?

    learn skills and make money

    Making money online sounds attractive to many people, but how can you make it a reality? We will show you some examples here. No matter how much making money online is normalized, when it comes to ourselves, we often can’t imagine making money using the “unconventional” methods. However, these methods are becoming quite the opposite […]

  • 7 ways you are smarter then you realize

    It is humans who are curious to know how they stack up against their peers. That is especially true when it comes to comparing their intelligence level. Most people spend their lives without knowing how smart they are. But IQ is a difficult thing to measure and you never can be certain where you stand […]

  • 6 important changes in lifestyle for improving your life

    In life, most of the decisions you make are unimportant. It is not that you don’t make important decisions but it is just that you make so many unnecessary ones. According to researchers, the choices you make in a day add up and feel taxing. Self-control is subsequently worse after you make a series of […]

  • How to turn your Blog into a moneymaking business?

    In this technologically advanced world, a self-publishing blog can create a steady income. People who have a passion for blogging are writing on a consistent basis and are earning extra cash. On average 70 million blogs exist today in the online world, this shows that blog monetization has gained momentum. Blogging has now become a […]

  • Top 5 Business Phone Services of 2021

    No matter whether you’re a freelancer just starting out, or a young entrepreneur branching out and delegating work – you need to maintain a cohesive business identity. This means that you have to create a personal brand and show presence on different platforms and channels of communication – from social media to your website. Having […]

  • Everything Apple announced at its iPhone event

    It’s not even one month since their last event, Apple is back with another one. This time, a mega event everybody was looking forward to. In this event, Apple announced four new iPhones, a new HomePod Mini. HomePod Mini: Pic Credits: Apple The event kicked off with the announcement of the HomePod Mini, a mini […]

  • Handwriting Analysis: Here is how your Handwriting depicts your personality

    Graphology is the art of understanding the way you write with the help of different elements such as size, space, pressure, slants, etc. Graphology is not something new; it has been around since the days of Aristotle. Experts by just analyzing the handwriting — can skillfully determine where a person fits in his own environment. […]

  • Want to know 8 steps of effective Social Media Marketing?

    For a social media marketing program, it is not easy to keep up with the continuously changing trends. It is a complex and confusing form of marketing but can be made simple by dealing it with intelligent planning and effort. By adopting the following measures, you can deal with the social media confusions and complexity […]

  • Use your negative thoughts for positive output

    There is no doubt that your outlook on life can impact everything from your work to your mental health. Only a positive attitude is often touted as the only ingredient to your personal and professional success. But you may not know that blind optimism can leave you ill-prepared for the challenges. Even then you are […]

  • 18 Income ideas for automating cash flow for ever

    learn skills and make money

    There is an understandable appeal to the idea of building wealth through passive income. it becomes more attractive when you are worried about being able to save enough from your work earnings to meet your goals. It might be easy to imagine passive income as a form of money that is earned without any effort. […]

  • Richard Branson’s Simple Secret to Success

    Every successful individual in the world has a different recipe for success. Some emphasized time management, some focus hard on team building but Richard Branson has a different secret to success. It is something he has been doing for decades, every single day, and says it keeps me up and running, stay motivated and feel energetic. […]