Phrase: focus

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  • 7 ways that can increase your happiness on daily basis

    Sometimes the only thing we want to do is to stay happy. It is because many of us suffer from a deliberating depression which makes it seem impossible to attain any kind of happiness. There are times when even performing the smallest tasks becomes irritating. It makes us wonder how people stay happy and what […]

  • 5 Habits of highly persistent people

    There are times in life when you get weary from moving forward and your motivation seems to be fading. This is not a good situation when you are moving towards your goals. Either it’s your fitness regime, navigating your children through teenage years, or any of your business goals. When things get down you really […]

  • 6 Secrets of entrepreneurship that are not taught in college

    While studying in college you have no idea how it would feel to apply a theory in reality. It is because you are not taught about the application of any theory especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship in the real world is much more different than the theory. The vast gulf between academic thought […]

  • 8 proven ways to boost your productivity

    It is difficult to make the most of your time because there are only 24 hours in a day. The only way you can increase your output is either by putting in more hours or working smarter. The intelligent will definitely prefer the latter. Being more productive requires you to be more deliberate about how […]

  • 5 Steps to Finishing What You Start – An Amazing Story

    One of the world and European relay champion, Derek Redmond is now one of the motivational speakers. Now, he shares his inspiring and remarkable story with his audience and has worked with some of the high profile brands to inspire the corporate environment. During the 1980s and 1990s, Derek was one of the country’s best […]

  • These 6 Amazing Ways Will Boost Your Emotional Courage And Increase Chances of Taking Prompt Action

    The cultures often favor relentless positivity over the emotional messiness of real life. You are told to shove down your emotions and get down with it. It is then when you get into a tyranny of false positivity. Avoiding emotions make you anxious and weaken your emotional resilience. Tackling all kinds of difficult hurdles requires […]

  • How to make better decisions in life?

    There is not a single day when you don’t have to make decisions. For most people who tend to think every minute detail of their lives can find it difficult to make decisions. The decision-making process makes them overwhelmed and pushes them into an uncertainty of results and repercussions of the decisions. If you are […]

  • 7 Things more important than money

    No doubt, money is important and many would argue that it dictates the way people live their life. For many, nothing in life is more important than money because everything requires money. Many people do crazy things for money because it considered valuable and earning it is a priority. However, it is important to draw […]

  • Here is how you can improve your life in six steps

    Bringing an improvement in your life is not something that happens through hopes and flukes; you need to make it happen through tenacity and consistency. The quality of your actions will determine your success, happiness, and dreams. You will have to achieve an abundance mindset for improving your life. You need to constantly work on […]

  • 7 ways you can accomplish more by becoming stronger inside

    Life’s journey is a series of ups and downs. The challenges come and become obstacles and the opportunities on the way become triumphs. But the only thing that remains constant is you and how you deal with all the challenges. You will be batted about like a rowboat in a hurricane if you are weak […]

  • 6 Ways anger ruins your health

    Getting angry first thing in the morning can affect you a lot more than you can even imagine. It might happen because you might have missed the alarm in the morning, scrolled through the news, or had to face the rage-inducing traffic on your commute. There can be plenty of reasons that have the potential […]

  • 5 ways you can develop resilience in your personality

    Changes are always resisted by humans especially when they come in the form of adversity or challenges. But what most people fail to understand that changes are inevitable and the only way to survive a change is by being resilient. The trait of resilience not only makes you confront the challenges but also helps you […]

  • Always Tired?. Look for these 7 Signs of poor work-life balance

    When you step into the practical life, work-life balance becomes like the search of El Dorado. It is something that you love to talk about and search for but it ever eludes you. However, this shouldn’t be the case. You see work-life balance as unattainable because you make it unattainable. The lack of work-life balance […]