Phrase: focus

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  • Why you should be less accessible for greater success

    Living in a culture of hyper-accessibility, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Mac OS continuity, and notifications for all the things has disturbed the margin of your most important priorities. All-time notifications from all kinds of gadgets simply result in a wasted time. According to studies, a simple interruption would require over 45 minutes for anyone to get […]

  • 7 ways that can help you improve your conversational skills

    In today’s world, we talk a lot more than the previous generations. We talk more than we ever had in the form of writing posts on Facebook, share thoughts on Twitter, share life events in the form of photographs on SnapChat and Instagram. In some way, we find people talking all the time and yet […]

  • Sprinkle happiness into your life through 5 simple steps

    You may have heard about the happiness ratio. According to experts, for every negative emotion, you need three positive emotions to stay emotionally healthy. When you are chronically ill, your days are filled with painful symptoms, or you feel social isolation, it is pretty hard to keep the balance. But, fortunately, you can do two […]

  • 5 ways that can give entrepreneur a much-needed boost that is needed to perform the activities of every day

    When there is a lot going on around you, you can feel stress in your body. It appears automatically when you have worries like your job, money, relationships, or concerns of your future. The response of your body either increases your blood pressure, your heart rate, and breathing or disturbs your digestive system. No matter […]

  • How to regain control when you feel overwhelmed

    The world you live in continuous to get busier which makes it easier to find yourself overwhelmed. You feel overwhelmed by everything around you and it is the major cause of stress that leads to anxiety and burnout. When you feel overwhelmed, you often feel a loss of control and have no idea how to […]

  • 5 Strategies to reduce stress eating

    No matter how motivated you feel to eat healthily, there are times when you find solace from eating the junk. For some reaching for French fries or ice cream is considered comforting to calm down the emotions after a stressful day or some binge on sugary items to comfort the stress of a challenging task. […]

  • 3 proven strategies for learning a new language

    With the availability of online courses, learning a new language has become possible for many people who were unable to have access to proper institutions. It has not only become easily accessible but also is inexpensive to learn any kind of language you want. But that does not mean at all that it has become […]

  • 4 Principles for maximizing your performance and well-being

    For a good quality of life, health and well-being are crucially needed in the long-run. But even with the availability of modern comforts, there are very few people who are living a productive and healthier life. For most of the people working for longer hour’s means being more productive and this keeps them sitting in […]

  • How can reading inspirational quotes help?

    Reading is, in fact, one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be. Reading provides you with a window into the world and helps you to do better in all areas of life. The lives of some of the famous people in history inspire them to read more. It is because […]

  • A new 6 ways to unlock your potential

    Do you ever feel that there is a lot more that you can do in life? You may think you have the potential to do a lot more but are not sure how to start. For some people, it could take years to reflect what activities make them happy and fulfilled. But what most of […]

  • How to achieve your emotional resilience

    Stress is an important part of the modern life; it is seemingly present everywhere and at all the time. The sources of stress start from the everyday tasks to the occurring of unexpected events such as deaths, natural disasters, and social upheavals that usually occur without warning. The cumulative effects of the stress no matter […]

  • 6 Ways to handle the unexpected and tackle uncertainties

    The blowing winds of change feel like an unending flow that touches everyone’s lives. The unforeseen circumstances bring disappointments as well as challenges. Despite all of your best plans and efforts, the unexpected events make everything seem falling apart. And these challenging conditions are not just for the poor. No matter what the financial situation […]

  • How to increase imagination and creativity?

    It is very difficult to create something and you feel a constant frustration when you are not able to create what you want. But when you produce something despite being tired and devastated, it gives you a feeling beyond words. But for the purpose, you need a constant source of inspiration to boost your creativity […]

  • 7 ways that could help you achieve anything in life

    Most people don’t know that they can achieve anything in life if only they put their mind to it. That is why they never bother to try to achieve their inspiring goals. In many cases, people fail to achieve what they want because they develop a mindset that it is impossible. But what you don’t […]