Phrase: focus

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  • 6 Ways you can disarm rude people with your kindness

    In today’s world, workplace rudeness has become a serious problem. If nothing is done to break the vicious cycle of incivility, rudeness becomes a contagious behavior that spreads throughout the workplace. But this is something now being commonly found at many workplaces usually because rudeness often goes under the radar and the acts of rudeness […]

  • 5 skills you must have in-order to trust your intuition

    For most people, it is hard to explain their intuition. It is because the origin of these strong judgments is really hard to get in touch with. You don’t value these feelings much but in actual they guide your experiences and tell you what you should do instead of what you are doing. When dealing […]

  • 4 steps that can help you to move forward with your life

    You may have not paid attention but life has been tapping you on the shoulder for a while and whispering that it’s time to do something different with it. It is because you are longing for a change in direction and want to do something that fulfills you. A change of direction gives you a […]

  • Take care of these 5 things daily and you will feel great

    Sometimes when we interact with others, we are often scattered. We are anxious and completely lost in our thoughts. We are mostly not aware of the anxiety at that time but it shows in our behavior and effects how we communicate with other people. It affects every aspect of our life whether we are trying […]

  • 6 steps to become an indispensable employee

    An indispensable employee is someone everyone aspires to be. Feeling indispensable at an organization is a great combination of exhilaration as well as security. It requires you to visibly commit yourself to making a difference to your company, your team, or your business. Becoming an indispensable employee begins with making a great name for yourself […]

  • Wear Your Scars Proudly And Move On

    We often come across people in our life who are the very best in their respective field. Be it work, relations or life, they typically emphasize on doing everything with utmost perfection. They are very neat, not messy by any stretch and are extremely focused on everything that matters the most to them. When things […]

  • 6 steps to organize your day for success

    Successful people are always great at managing their time. If you want to be like them, chances are that you will also be willing to learn how to act like them. But the problem is that you always do not know where to get started. The first thing you need to understand is that the […]

  • 5 Types of toxic people to stay away from

    For almost everyone, achieving success is very important. It can be a contributor to becoming the best version of yourself and for your overall happiness. But this happiness can get affected due to the company you keep. It surely is one of the most overlooked reasons for the lack of success. The types of people […]

  • Protect your positive vibes by doing these 6 things

    One of the popular questions people mostly want the answer for is how to protect your energy from negative people and situations. It is because science has proved over time that it is your own choice to stay happy. But this happiness can get affected by the external factors which can sometimes be a reason […]

  • 5 Habits to incorporate in our life to make it worth living

    The excitement created around the advancing technologies to make humans more connected has in fact them lonelier than ever. We are living in a time where the researchers are starting to indicate the next biggest public health issue along with obesity and substance abuse would be the loneliness. The social media platforms have created a […]

  • 5 Overlooked reasons to quit smoking

    Almost everyone who smokes knows that it causes lung cancer, emphysema, as well as heart diseases. But still, nobody thinks of quitting smoking. The effects of smoking not only create problems for your mental and physical health, smoking has far-reaching consequences on your career. Have you wondered why companies discourage smoking in the workplace/ it […]

  • 5 things to do to unleash the hidden talent inside you

    In our lives, we all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift. This is the gift that can help us to touch others in a special way and we can make this world a better place. But for many of us, these dreams become so shrouded. The frustrations […]

  • 5 ways to build a wonderful, successful life

    For many people, living a wonderful life is not that simple. They struggle in finding a fulfilling career and living comfortably free from the stress. But there is a simple reason why a wonderful life eludes many of the people; it is because you don’t understand what a wonderful life is. A wonderful life is […]