Phrase: focus

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  • 4 ways to read the right way

    Reading is no doubt a great way to escape and unwind; it increases your knowledge, focus and makes you view the world in a different way. Reading is beneficial for both your personal as well as professional life. But with the passage of time, the nature of books has evolved as the society and technology […]

  • 4 Steps to get an instant happiness boost

    Many of the people struggle to feel good about them as they carry self-limiting beliefs or get stuck in fears. These fears prevent them from reaching their goals and living a fulfilled life. But for finding ways to live an abundant life, you need to feel good about yourself on everyday basis. You need to […]

  • Here is why you need to engage in self-love

    There are many of us who feel guilty on seeing the world “selfish” anywhere. It is because the society has attached a negative connotation to this word. In arguments it is used to suggest that you care only about yourself more than the other people around you. The societies very easily deem you as a […]

  • 5 Benefits of early rising

    Let’s be very honest, most of us do not enjoy getting up early in the morning. Waking up is extremely hard and you may think that if there could be any benefits of becoming an early riser. While asking this question to yourself, you will definitely not be aware of any benefits of rising early. […]

  • 5 ways you can get better at your job

    Every job gives you the opportunity to make yourself better at your skills. Even the smallest job has the potential to make you indispensable and more valued. It plays a great part not only in your professional career but to individual growth as well. You cannot expect that everything will improve on its own; you […]

  • Here is why you should not overlook the importance of time

    how to do time management

    Time is something that you need for everything, you need time to work, to eat, to sleep, and to accomplish all the tasks. You also need time to spend with your family and to understand your relationships. You just think if there could be more time and it is difficult to avoid the feeling that […]

  • 5 Hacks for increasing your IQ

    Each human on this earth is gifted with a smart and amazing brain but most of the people do not even realize how to use it to its full potential. But you must know that what you don’t use withers and get wasted. Therefore, it is important to do the kind of stuff that can […]

  • 5 ways how cleanliness effects productivity

    Having a meeting in a cluttered office is extremely challenging as people do not feel relaxed or at the peak of their performance when their eyes see nowhere even too place their cup of coffee. Numerous studies have identified that there is a strong link between productivity and cleanliness of the workplace. A clean desk […]

  • 5 Money habits to master for prosperous future

    learn skills and make money

    The process of building wealth is not easy and it doesn’t happen on its own. People pass down beliefs about their finances to their families. Working hard on building wealth and creating a legacy requires certain habits. These should be constantly kept in mind on your path to creating a generational wealth. Mastering these habits […]

  • Stop tolerating these 5 stressful habits

    Today the workforce is faced with the biggest stress issues. Stress is ranked above obesity and physical inactivity. The arising stress is due to the actions that have become part of their everyday life. Unknowingly, you keep on tolerating that creates more stress. Most of the time you don’t even notice and this makes the […]

  • How to make networking easier

    Networking to some people seems like a pointless exercise. Tor them it is about a bunch of desperate career climbers’ smarming up to smug the high-flyers. They consider networking not helpful for anyone to actually get things done. But in recent years, networking has grown a lot and has gained a lot of momentum. The […]

  • Here is how you can master the art of happiness

    Establishing lasting happiness is just like planting a tree, which actually needs a healthy root system, a strong trunk, healthy growing branches and foliage. Happiness is similarly an ongoing process and once you lay a strong foundation, you create a sustainable pattern of behavior that can be maintained and expanded for the rest of your […]

  • How to stay in good mood all the time

    Everybody wants to feel upbeat and enthusiastic most of the time but with busy schedules, you tend to rush from obligation to obligation feeling like you are in a rut. Life seems to pass by so quickly that it feels as if you are sitting in a train with life sliding by like scenery outside […]

  • 4 Traits that bring your dreams to live

    Every person has the potential to be great but there are few things that differentiate the good from great. But you have to believe in your own greatness because you can succeed only if you think you can. The belief in your own ability is essential for achieving greatness. The little voice inside your head […]

  • WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum leaves Facebook

    After almost a journey of a decade, Jan Koum calls it a day at Facebook. Jan Koum started whatsApp with his friend and co-founder Brian Acton. Facebook acquired whatsApp, world’s most famous messaging app back in 2014 for $19 billion. Also See: He was turned down for a job at Facebook. $3 Billion Judgment error. In a […]

  • Time Management on Paper

    In today’s world, every hour that is spent on computer is an hour away from your life. Therefore, as the technology is advancing, people are returning to past in search of something important that innovation has left behind. Even with the easy availability of a computer backup and a computer version that can be printed […]