Phrase: focus

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  • How to develop a strong work ethic?

    For being successful in your career, it is important to develop a strong work ethic. It is basically a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. When you build a strong work ethic, it allows you to train yourself in a way so that hard work becomes automatic. Your habits […]

  • 5 reasons why you should wear the same thing everyday

    We overestimate the extent to which people are observing us. There is a lot of pressure not to break the societal norms. We have assumed expectations of how people will take us if we simply want to consume less or adopt a different kind of lifestyle. This is the reason that unwarranted feelings can lead […]

  • Think but think out of the box

    Thinking outside the box is among the most used phrases around the world which means to think creatively, freely, and off the beaten path. It is about dispensing with constraints and approaching problems in new and innovative ways. Very often people are told to think outside the box but nobody tells the exact way of […]

  • Skills that can help you to get your way every day

    Good communication is crucial for better understanding of people, reducing conflicts, and enhancing relationships. But it all depends on how well you understand others and how well you convey our own message to them. Active listening and conveying your message is an art and can be learned with practice. Following are few of the reliable […]

  • Do the following 5 things to start your day with a purpose

    The morning rituals dramatically affect your levels of success in every field. You create a successful life when your mornings generate focused, productive, and successful days. But unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings ultimately lead you to live a mediocre life. However, you can change the area of your life and make it fast by starting […]

  • Here is how you can cure lack of motivation?

    Motivation manifest as desire and interest and work as a driving force that pushes us to take action and pursue goals. But it often happens that we do have the desire and interest but there is lack of motivation. A situation becomes worse when want to do a certain task but cannot get enough motivation […]

  • 5 Things not to do when stress unexpectedly pays a visit

    Sometimes life comes at you fast and furious and the last thing you want to do at that time is to make things even harder on yourself. After a particularly tough day, some of the things that you do in response to stress can backfire or make bad feelings worse. So the smart thing to […]

  • 3 Traits of exceptional leadership


    In nature, rocks are consistent and are often immovable which makes them stand their ground even if large objects such as ships or planes crash into them. A pebble or stone, no matter, how small is capable of causing a lot of damage in a crowded area. The water may rush towards a rock with […]

  • 5 ways to maintaining a better life balance

    Things that require zero talent and still lead to success

    There are many people who find it hard to juggle the demands of their jobs and the rest of their life. The cutbacks and layoff where people usually work make it a lot difficult for them to find balance in their lives. Putting more hours into work for making life easier but the more responsibilities […]

  • How to see your goals through the end

    Big goals are easy to set and planning towards working them seems more exciting. But what is not easy and not exciting is how you continually recommit yourself to your vision that you have created. It becomes especially more challenging when there is a huge looming chasm between where you are and where you actually […]

  • How you can be good at learning anything

    There is no doubt that almost everyone does some last minute stud cramming. But have you ever wondered that whether this intensive studying over a short period of time helps or hurts your brain? According to studies, use of selective and efficient study techniques is better than cramming. For this purpose, you need to learn […]

  • 5 ways to unleash the creativity in you

    Most of the people think they are not creative so they don’t cultivate their creative potential. In recent times, this cycle seems to have become a spiral and according to research, the creative thinking of individuals has plummeted in recent years. But creative thinking is very powerful and can spark memorable understanding. But a decline […]

  • 5 steps to improving your self-esteem

    Only one opinion that truly matters when it comes to your self-worth is your own. Therefore it needs to be carefully evaluated because you can be your own harshest critic. But if you have ever experienced setbacks in your life, you can put yourself on trial and sometimes sentence yourself to a lifetime of self-criticism. […]

  • 5 key elements that make you earn respect instantly

    Respect is never given, it should always be earned. People who are in a lower position than you might respect you as a duty but there is a lot more to respect than that. If you want to earn respect as a leader, you will have to behave like one. You may have no control […]

  • 6 things to do if you want to get more done in a week

    The reality of the modern workload is that many of us have the urge to reach for more confidence and get everything done before the end of a day. But the feeling of accomplishing everything makes us overwhelmed and sometimes defeated even before we begin with our efforts. Well, it does not have to be […]

  • 7 Rules of Living that can transform lives

    If you are asked to tell what you have learned so far to have the best, happiest, and most successful life, what advice would you give? Or you can take it as what are the rules you have learned in your years of life that you have lived? For answering it you will have to […]