Phrase: focus

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  • 5 ways to earn respect instantly

    Respect is never given, it should always be earned. People who are in a lower position than you might respect you as a duty but there is a lot more to respect than that. If you want to earn respect as a leader, you will have to behave like one. You may have no control […]

  • 6 Skills Every SEO Expert Needs to Have

    Experts are people who are extremely focused on a particular area and devote immense time to perfect one skill. However, the modern concept of an expert is centered around effective learning and can be summed in a quirky one-liner-“Jack of All Trades, Master of Some.” There are subtle skills that distinguish one in interdisciplinary fields […]

  • 4 Reasons why you should leave your comfort zone

    Very often you have come across inspiration quotes that encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and do something you would not normally think of doing. Breaking out of your comfort zone is hard but it is a good thing for you. It can make you achieve great things by forcing you to […]

  • 5 ways to stop overthinking and make yourself lighter

    Thinking too much can trap your brain into a worry cycle where you find yourself going round-and-round over a single issue. It can deprive you of your sleep as mistakes from the past act as a plague to your mind. It is worrying for things that might never happen as you dwell over the things […]

  • 5 must read books for getting the professional advice

    There are many factors to be considered when starting a new business and it is important to prepare yourself for it as much as possible. It is because almost 80% of the new business usually fails within the first couple of years. Setting your own business is a daunting task. It is not easy to […]

  • How to command a room without saying a word. Here are 6 elements to make your presence felt

    Command-and-control leadership is a thing of the past but charisma is a timeless attribute. You may not have an old-school-leader archetype powerful presence that can stop people in their tracks but you can harness your charisma to demonstrate your dominance over a room. Even without speaking you can create feelings of friendship and loyalty. Following […]

  • How to strengthen resilience in children to become confident

    The potential for happiness and greatness lies in every child. They are all capable of doing things. There is no happiness gene, no success gene, and no doer of extraordinary things gene to make them perform extraordinarily. It is not possible for us to change whatever challenges they will face in their lives. But what […]

  • 5 Business leaders who practice meditation

    One of the greatest ways to achieve success is to seek out others who have achieved what you desire. It can be learned from the leaders who have already blazed a trail and have found the essence of what makes them great. You need to model yourself on their behavior and personality if you want […]

  • It Is Okay To Make Mistakes and Why They’re So Important

    Have you ever wondered that what if you had more freedom to make mistakes and gave the people around to mess things up as well? This does not mean that you start rooting for things to go wrong; you simply need to have more compassion and understanding for them. By allowing our self and others […]

  • 6 Habits to change your life

    People often get overwhelmed when it comes to starting positive changes in life. It is because there are a lot of changes that seem life-changing and important but when it comes to sticking to few, it is not an easy decision to make. According to experts if you follow a proper program and work to […]

  • 5 ways to exude confidence at any platform

    For achieving success, appearance matter a lot. Although some of the people are more confident than others for many reasons but anyone can learn the tricks to carry themselves around to create a better impact. Contrary to what people believe, confidence is a skill that can be learned. It can be improved with practice and […]

  • 6 Habits of positive people

    Habits of highly successful people

    Words, like waiting, hoping, and wishing are seldom found in the vocabulary of positive people. It is because they do not wait for life to turn out the things they want, but set out their own ways to find solutions. Because of their positive attitude towards life, they develop certain character traits that are not […]

  • Value your time by adopting these 3 key strategies

    Time is the most important non-renewable resource in this life. It is always possible to make more money but you can never make more time. You might be surprised that wastage of time has less to do with others and more to do with you. Other people value your time exactly as you value it. […]

  • 5 ways to unleash your full potential

    You must have seen one of the videos on social media that show how you have been using a certain product, or eating certain foods, wrong your whole life. You might have regretted why you didn’t get a chance to know about it earlier. This is exactly how you feel when you get the insights […]

  • 5 elements to become a millionaire entrepreneur

    There are so many people who want to become millionaire entrepreneurs. This is many of them dream of starting their own business and becoming their own boss. They get inspired by reading about the successful entrepreneurs and consider it easy to reach their place. But dreaming of becoming a millionaire entrepreneur and actually becoming one […]

  • 3 ways to let go of anxious thoughts

    There are so many times in life when someone says or does something that offends us. No matter how hard we try to let go of the feelings of resentment, it becomes difficult to move on. It makes us self-conscious and anxious while approaching certain people in life. These are the kinds of feelings that […]

  • 7 ways to achieve peak performance

    In order to achieve peak performance in your career, you need to have a combination of strategy and effort that can maximize your potential. Measurable results can only be achieved if you take proper actions. Achieving peak performance pushes you to be self-aware, control emotions, and should have the ability to relax under pressure. But […]

  • Humans do not need to fear smart computers – Jack Ma

    Humans do not need to worry about smart computers evolution. In the modern era, artificial intelligence is gaining prominence and is right here to cause disruption and perhaps displacement. Humans are being afraid of being replaced by smart computers but that should really not be the case. While speaking to formal United Nations Secretary General […]