Phrase: focus

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  • 8 proven reasons why you should surround yourself with nature

    Our home and work place holds a lot of stress and this is the reason we have become impatient and lose our temper over and over again. The digital spins have made it impossible for us to go outside. Seeing less of daylight has made us more vulnerable to diseases like osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression. […]

  • 5 secrets to achieve work life balance

    Everyday millions of people across the world give their time, labor, and brainpower to something called a job. In return, they get the money to use it to buy things to survive. Money brings financial security but in order to earn it most of the people waste their life away. They don’t even know what […]

  • 6 Science-backed ways to live a happier life

    The whole aim and end of human existence revolve around happiness. The true purpose according to Aristotle even 2,000 years ago was to live a happy life until death. It is one of the most sought-after goals in life. But for many of the people, happiness seems to be elusive. It is because people link […]

  • 7 Jobs for people who hate math

    At any place, when agencies report on a job with the highest demand they mostly talk about the ones that are related to engineering, technology, or math. But what if you absolutely hate math? Unfortunately, there are many people who cannot understand math and it is impossible for them to crunch numbers. They get scared […]

  • Rock your first day at work by doing these 7 things

    Your first day at a new job can be really terrifying. You might be trying to figure out what to wear and where your new cube is while trying to learn the ropes and make a first good impression on your new boss and co-workers. The first day sets the tone for the rest of […]

  • 5 ways to lift your mood when feeling down

    It is common for each of us to experience a low-phase at some point in time. We very easily place the blame on our circumstances, health, or emotional proclivities. But in reality only we ourselves are responsible for such bouts of grief, boredom, and depression. Snapping out of a bad mood is not an easy […]

  • 6 ways to maintain the sense of enjoyment on a daily basis

    When we wake up in the morning, it is easy to idealize our life in the outside world in a perfect manner. But in reality, we get caught up in the monotony of day-to-day life as everyone else. Most of us at some point in life think that we lack the fulfilment in our everyday […]

  • Here is how you can DE clutter your mind

    Our mind has a mind of its own and races around and jumps from one thing to another. The random thoughts that popup are sometimes amusing but there are some that send us straight into the state of anxiety. It is because those thoughts are negative and are based on our every day’s stress. Modern […]

  • 4 logical ways of staying motivated

    You may have experienced zigzags and hurdles in life that you may have never predicted. These hurdles make your dreams seem less enticing and make you feel doubted about your goals. These kinds of setbacks not only slow down your progress but also weaken your motivation levels. These are the times when you need to […]

  • 3 Powerful ways to boost self-confidence

    To the external forces, human beings respond in different ways and even a minor knockback can weaken self-esteem at some point. It can have a measurable impact on their work performance. It makes some people to crumble and some cope with it. There are some who only strive but thrive under considerable pressure. This is […]

  • 4 Animation movies you should watch to stay positive

    There are so many movies that appeal to people for different reasons. There are some movies that do not fall into the category of comedy or horror films instead; there are some of the movies that actually affect your behavior and attitudes. They prompt varying responses to your mental capability and beliefs. Researchers have proved […]

  • What does it take to become a better person?

    Throughout our lives, we all make mistakes. These are the mistakes that have not exactly placed us in the best light. We probably feel guilty because of maybe bullying someone in school or telling lies to our loved ones. But like an average human, nature forces us to feel embarrassed about our own wrongdoings and […]

  • 5 Meditation practices for anxious people

    Experiencing stress is a part of life and even if we are lucky enough to avoid the trauma, we still live in a world of chronic stress and overwhelm. In almost everyone, stressful events produce anxiety. But when it becomes worse, anxiety as a chronic condition is hard to shut off. It gives us the […]

  • 5 Signs that show a low level of confidence

    There are times when you terribly feel there is something holding you back from living up to your full potential. You get frustrated by the sense of missing out and do some of the things that are actually are the signs that show your confidence level is low. But you do not take them as […]

  • 6 traits of highly successful people

    Have you ever been fascinated by what made Bill Gates, Richard Branson or Muhammad Ali to excel in their field? It probably has been a question in your mind if you haven’t been very successful in your own field. But just thinking does not help; things start to change once you start applying the lessons […]

  • 6 lessons to learn from the Lion

    When we think of the lion, there are so many things that come to one’s mind. It is its strength, its fieriness and boldness, its regal and majestic bearing that makes it the king of the jungle. It is no hidden truth that the lion if the animal that every aspiring leader thrives to learn […]

  • YouTube introduces a new feature – replaces video background using AI

    As Artificial intelligence is finding its new grounds and possibilities, Youtube the world largest video website has rolled out a background replacement in the user videos using AI. Google Engineers have developed a new tool that uses Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to filter out, remove the background and replace it with image. This is called […]