Phrase: focus

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  • 6 Habits that make us unhappy

    Happiness is a choice for an average person but still many of us stay unhappy. There are so many reasons for staying unhappy but we chose it over happiness because it requires less effort. Instead of seeking happiness, we find it easy to refuse to accept change, lazily follow the path of least resistance etc. […]

  • 8 signs that help you identify a genuine person

    We naturally tend to value people who are genuine as compared to the ones whom we perceive as fake. It is because the fake people make an effort to appear more appealing or impressive which they are not. This makes us value the people who do their own thing regardless of what others think. This […]

  • 7 incredible benefits of making reading a permanent habit

    Many years ago life used to be simple. At that time reading was one of the only forms of self-development activities. But the modern world is a more distracted place because of the advances in technology and made people lose interest in reading. Even children find it boring as compared to playing video games or […]

  • Avoid burnout by staying alerts to the following 6 signs

    When people become deeply disillusioned with their job, they experience burnout. It feels all the things that inspired them to get lost and the entire tedious and unpleasant things crowd in. If you want to know whether your job or career is in a risk of experiencing a burnout, then you must look for the […]

  • 6 ways to appear smarter than you really are

    It isn’t easy to appear intelligent when you really aren’t. It seems like the library is always shut when you happen to walk past and the most clever-sounding books seem always out of reach. But sometimes, you need a quick fix before a job interview or work meeting. Intelligence may sound hard to pin down […]

  • 7 Ways to outshine a difficult boss

    It is no easy to work under a difficult senior. In this kind of situation, your peace to work totally comes under the control of your boss. Chances are that your micromanaging boss will drive you insane and will put your mentality on tests every day. Unless you are independently wealthy or have won a […]

  • 4 Nighttime habits to make you more productive

    As most of the people work in the morning so productivity is often considered a day strategy. It is the most cherished state that is desired by professionals of all ages and experience. They try to implement those habits in their lives which they think can make them productive every day. However, your nighttime habits […]

  • 7 things successful people do in their first month at a new job

    Once you are done with a hard-hitting work of resume formatting, interviewing, and salary negotiating, you may feel that it’s time to relax. Going with the flow seems tempting but this is the worst thing you could do to your career. You may not know but the interview process does not end in an hour […]

  • Achieve financial independence by developing a millionaire mindset

    business knowledge

    People dream of achieving financial independence all their life. But rather than adopting the habits of truly wealthy people, they focus on getting rich quickly. They remain unaware of the fact that for becoming rich, the one most important thing that often goes unnoticed is the millionaire mindset. One of the strongest habits of wealthy […]

  • 7 things successful people make time for in the morning

    Whether you stumble out of bed in eth morning or you are up-and-at when the day breaks, it sets your rest of the day. This is the reason many of the successful people have crafted morning rituals for themselves to maximize their productivity and creativity for a longer period of time. Following are the few […]

  • 14 Habits of Highly Successful Women Entrepreneurs

    So, what makes some women more successful than others? Is it the random element of luck? Or the fact they are smarter than an average woman and have charming personalities? Whatever your stance is, one thing is for sure much of what make some women more successful is developing certain habits which they stick to […]

  • 5 reasons for choosing to wear the same thing every day

    We recently covered Why Mark Zuckerberg Wears Same Shirt Everyday. It seems that the capsule wardrobe movement is continuing to gain momentum. It may be far from the mainstream but is elevated in the social consciousness by some high profile tech personalities. People are now applying a minimalist approach to their fashion. Most of the people […]

  • 5 Secrets to achieve work-life balance

    In 1986, the term work-life balance was coined because of the increasing concerns by individuals and organizations regarding work and the quality of life. It was considered that health, relationships, and all around well-being suffered by being in work and in daily contact with others. The term suggested that all work is not good for […]

  • 5 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change The Brain

    Meditation techniques all over the world are blowing away the dogma of decades ago that our brain’s potential is set at birth. It has proved that we can actually improve our brain in ways which were once believed impossible. It is nothing short of amazing that our brain can be molded by meditation. Backed by […]

  • 5 Habits that can make you mentally strong

    Mental health is often debated among people but what’s not often discussed is a clear definition of mental strength. Mental strength is needed to regulate our emotions, manage our thoughts, and to behave in a positive manner despite the circumstances around us. Developing this mental strength requires us to find the courage to be bold […]

  • 3 daily habits that can make you smarter

    Most of the people think they are pretty smart but when it comes to the term genius, only a few people fall into the category. It is a common belief that geniuses are born and are only one or two in a million. People currently categorize wisdom and creative power for being a genius but […]

  • 6 long lasting health benefits of physical activities

    There is a growing evidence of the impact of technological changes on our lifestyle. This is raising a renewed consciousness among people of the need to act quickly for improving their lives. The advancement in technology is making the lifestyle as sedentary which is causing bad impacts on their health. Most people try to improve […]

  • Impact of social media on sleep and here is what you need to get it fixed

    In today’s ultra-connected society, electronics have become such an integral part of our lives. But we do not realize how much time we spend looking at the screen each day. The neglect of our attention towards the consumption of screen time has created negative impacts on our sleeping habits. The increasingly popular and heavily used […]