Phrase: focus

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  • 4 Habits that can change your life

    happy employees

    It happens every year, with the new-year approaching many people start thinking about how they can change their lives and adopt a healthier lifestyle. They make promises to themselves like getting in shape, getting enough sleep, and taking better care of themselves. But they fail to understand that for bringing a change, they will have […]

  • Salim Ghauri – From Nothing to Everything

    For the IT industry in Pakistan and Asia, Salim Ghauri is known as a leading role model. He is the founder of the IT Company Netsol. Before setting up the company, he was a successful IT consultant in Australia where he worked in Sydney with BHP Steel as a system integrator. In the company, he […]

  • 4 ways to make your business authentic and successful

    business knowledge

    Previously people used to think that marketing isn’t authentic in nature but this preconception is forced to change in the digital age. The more virtual lives are getting, people are becoming hungry for things that are genuine. What people want now is not just the product or a service, they want an experience. They want […]

  • 3 Steps leaders take while dealing with crises


    No matter how big the companies are, disasters can strike at any time. Problems arising as data breaches, customer service debacles, recall fiascos etc. can make leading an organization feel like navigating a ship through mind-infested waters. During such crises, sometimes the organizations or companies struggle to stay on the right track. But problems are […]

  • 7 emotionally intelligent tips to help you become a better leader

    Managing your own emotions and of others is what help better manage the relationships. Calming down your own emotions is a rigorous process but it leads to a happier and successful life. The only thing that can make you more emotionally intelligent is the self-awareness. It gives you the ability to adjust your own feelings […]

  • 4 Ways optimism can bring more harm than good

    Focusing only on the bright side of life makes us blindly optimistic. We just see the happening of good events and sweep harsh realities of life under the rug. These are the kind of realities that often take us by surprise arousing negative circumstances. Due to always wearing the rose-colored glasses we are often caught […]

  • 6 Signs that indicate people with true integrity


    People with integrity take out time to learn how they are acting with others and what consequences are being brought because of their actions. They learn more in order to become a better person. They are the people who are out there doing good deeds where the rest of us are mostly planning on how […]

  • 5 career myths that might be holding you back


    Career planning cannot be doomed to myths but unfortunately, there is plenty of outdated information around that brings your career to a screeching halt. It becomes worse if you keep holding on to those false beliefs. The best way is to let them go and focus on taking advantage of the opportunities that come in […]

  • 7 ways to protect yourself from absorbing negativity of others

    It happens most of the time that people start having negative thoughts just because of being around with negative people. You can take on the negative mentality in no time and it becomes worse with your own little-confused thoughts. You need to protect yourself from absorbing this kind of energy from other people as it […]

  • 10 things to help you cannot stop overthinking

    Overthinking may not sound bad on the surface but deep below, it causes many problems. It makes you spend too much time in the negative and makes our judgment cloudy. Therefore people are now starting to realize the importance of execution rather than just planning. But if you are caught up in overthinking in your […]

  • How To Conquer The Fear of Success

    Are you one of those who have a fear of being successful? As strange as it may sound, fear of success is quite common. It can manifest in a chronic holding back stance, or in a constant feeling that things are out of control. People with this fear find themselves distracted constantly, unable to focus […]

  • 3 steps to rewire your brain

    Over the past few years, mainstream media has opened up a lot about mental health aside from feminism physical health. It feels like there a powerful but subtle loosening of the screws on the topics we do not speak about. Some of the things were not shared because they were considered to be kept hidden. […]

  • 4 ways to be more confident at work

    When you look around, you find very few people that are happy, fulfilled, and leading a purposeful life. It feels as if the majority of them has settled for average and has decided to just get by their lives. Certain conditions make them unable to be to respond bravely in the outer world. They just […]

  • 7 qualities that can bring you extraordinary success in life

    Living an extraordinarily successful life does not come naturally, you need to do something extra in order to make extraordinary happen. When you are not satisfied with being ordinary then you relentlessly focus on becoming better. Going extra mile is not easy but if you truly want it, then it comes down to a really […]

  • 4 ways to get the most out of networking

    Networking is the most crucial element for an entrepreneur, it is the only way they can meet clients and contacts to grow their business. But a good networker should know the secrets to get the most out of an event or a conference. The events and conferences that are even held for the whole day […]

  • 7 Qualities that make a great leader

    One of the most rewarding positions in the world is being a leader but it also the most difficult one. There are certain traits that are exhibited by the great leader and which make them hugely successful. When things do not go as planned, it is their leadership qualities that shine through the worst of […]