Phrase: focus

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  • Following are the ages we peak at different stages in our life

    If age does not wither us, how will we be fitting candles on our birthday cakes every year? To desire immorality, is to desire the perpetuation of a great mistake, therefore, we should accept aging. Like in our young age, human beings peak well into their middle as well as old age. Older people are […]

  • 7 Reasons Why Espresso Needs to Be a Part of Your Life

    7 Reasons Why Espresso Needs to Be a Part of Your Life

    Everyone craves for a hot steaming cup of coffee in the morning to give a kick-start to the day. Well, coffee has its own list of benefits for a healthy lifestyle and if you are a fan of espresso, life can’t get better than that! Espresso has great advantages and boosts up the lifestyle of […]

  • Microsoft admits Windows phone is No More

    It is time to say goodbye to Windows phone. Head of Microsoft Windows division admits that we should not expect anything more from Windows Phone. It mean no future phones and we have seen the last of it, CNET reports. That being said, company has plans to facilitate its existing Windows phone users. There will be […]

  • 6 Things successful people do to get more done than others

    Everyone is familiar with that one person who is a super achiever. Having the same number of hours as the rest of us, these people have the ability to get more done in the shortest possible time. These are the people who are hundred percent invested in the task at hand and are committed to […]

  • About Being Guru

    Life Changing Day by Hisham sarwar

    BeingGuru is a landmark in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, going beyond the conventional blogging domains. Established by the tenacious Hisham Sarwar, this vibrant platform has grown into an all-encompassing center where technology combines with insights about freelancing and everyday inspiration. 1. The True Essence of Guru BeingGuru is a knowledge base and source of […]

  • Millennial reveals ‘5’ steps that made him a Millionaire

    For becoming successful, we always need inspiration. Grant is one such example that can motivate us for our millionaire goals. After graduating from the University of Chicago, Grant had nothing in his account and was living with his parents which made him think he never wanted to feel like this ever again. He took a […]

  • Three underrated soft skills that can help you excel in life

    The term soft skill does not exactly emit the feeling of something high priority so these skills don’t get the respect they actually need. Ironically, soft skills never meant to be easy or less importance. With the passage of time the perception has become as such they lag behind the hard skills. Therefore our sole […]

  • 8 Things to do in your 20s to become Millionaire

    In this world of today, the uncertainties that come with 20s age can really not overemphasized. It almost seems impossible to youth to being up to ten million rich. That’s the age when you are either in school, working, single, and above all trying to figure out what path to take in your future life. […]

  • These ‘4’ factors determine getting a good night sleep

    The glare from smartphones and tablets mimic daylight which disrupts your sleep. It disturbs the rest hormone and alters the sleep patterns. It’s just when your sleep pattern gets disrupted, you realize how important your sleep is. For many years, scientists have been engaged in sleep research. There are some tips given by experts to […]

  • Consistent emoji for Facebook and Messenger

    Users might not have noticed at all but the emojis available on Facebook and Messenger are different. The emoji for Messenger was introduced a year ago as a way of unifying emoji’s between platforms. Facebook has now decided to provide the same set of emoji for both the Messenger and the main platform. The emojis […]

  • Google Clips can be planted anywhere to take photos and videos

    Google’s Pixel event was full of surprises as it launched so many exciting products along with its smartphones. The company has introduced a camera that uses artificial intelligence. With the help of this camera, users can get closer images of the things they want to capture such as of a dog or a baby who […]

  • Apple and Google are by far the most valuable brands

    Apple's Tim Cook waves at the Apple Watch launch event. [Image Source: The Verge] -

    It’s been almost 18 years that global brand consultancy Interbrand has been tracking and ranking brand values around the world. This research from many aspects has helped determine which brands have remained strong and which ones have revamped their image. The company every year releases a list which reveals which brands are most important in […]

  • Teams to replace Skype as Microsoft’s primary teamwork hub

    It seems that Microsoft is making a big push with Teams. Microsoft Corp’s Teams application is expected to replace Skype for Businesses as the company’s primary teamwork software. This step by Microsoft has been taken against the threat of Slack in the workplace collaboration market, Reuters reports. For Teams, the company announced that the new […]

  • Twitter character limit Could Expand to 280-Character Limit

    Twitter users constantly feel an anxiety when it comes to the character limit. But the platform has recently decided to change that as it is testing to expand the character limit to 280 instead of 140 characters. The company aims to start the test among a small group of users in different languages. According to […]

  • How is how the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus cameras are rated

    After the release of the iPhone 8 and iPhone Plus, most of the Apple fans are pretty confident that they will like these devices even if there is a better model on the horizon. The features iPhone 8 X is offering are better to wait for. Among all the fantastic features, iPhone 8 and iPhone […]

  • 5 Ways That Can Help a Property Manager in Renting Easier

    5 Ways That Can Help a Property Manager in Renting Easier

    When you are renting out properties to tenants, you are going to have to think about a lot of things. You will have to worry about collecting rent on time, getting the right tenants into your properties, handling maintenance requests, and dealing with any legal battles that may come about. No matter how great you […]

  • Google’s new iOS search app

    Google has rolled out a new feature for its Search app on iOS which will give users a deep understanding of the topic they are reading. This is the feature that provides users even more of an excuse to stay longer on the app instead of using their web browser for searching related topics. The […]

  • Tez by Google is a Payment App for India

    Google has recently introduced its mobile payments in Asia named as Tez. This is a mobile wallet that has been launched in Asia for allowing users to link up their phones to their bank accounts. This will be a great help as this can be used for online payments and for person to person transfer […]