Phrase: focus

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  • Driving feature rolled out in Apple’s newest iOS 11 beta

    In June, Apple had announced a long-needed do not disturb while driving mode at the Worldwide Developer Conference. That feature has been released by the company for its iOS 11 latest beta. This feature has been developed with the aim to combat the very dangerous practice of texting while driving. This feature switches off all […]

  • 5 choices to make with money for better Future

    Upon completing graduation, the reality sets in within no time. This might be a jolt to some but it can be handled in two ways. You can either cherish the memories of your college or you can take steps to get prepared for the practical world. Up until graduation, you had handbooks and a syllabus […]

  • 7 Traits of successful leaders

    The organizations tend to perform better when the employees work under a leader who takes best decisions, has experience and knows how to deal with a multitude of different circumstances. These are the kind of people who become a source of power for their organization. They know how to avail the opportunities and how to […]

  • 5 ways how successful people stay calm

    Your performance is directly linked to your ability to stay calm under pressure. Most successful people have mastered the ability to manage their emotions in times of stress. Top performers have long been following some of the rules for staying calm under extraordinary circumstances. These practices lower their stress levels regardless of the pressure they […]

  • Get certified in Adobe’s graphic art programs in less than $40

    Being a graphic designer requires mastery of tools to create something on a black canvas. With the Graphic Designing Certification Tool, Adobe gives graphic designers the ability for creative possibilities available to them. This is something that helps them to exercise their tools like a professional and become most demanded by the hiring managers. The […]

  • Twitter launching its biggest redesign

    Twitter has made few changes to its platform. It has shifted its attention towards live videos, has opened up its Moments feature for its users, improved its safety efforts, gotten rid of its egg avatars, and has removed character limit from @names from replies. The company has recently made some new changes and has focused […]

  • Free online courses to be more productive

    As each day comes to an end, everyone wants to get more work done to feel a sense of accomplishment. Living in cities, people often prefer to start their day earlier as compared to others for increasing their productivity. For them, this makes a big difference in the world. There are many ways you can […]

  • 5 mistakes that can hold smart people back at work

    Most intelligent and smart people look at the world the way they want to. They see everyone through the glasses of same deep-seated belief that may often impact their personal experiences or their emotions. But just being smart doesn’t make them fewer mistakes. These are the mistakes that sometimes hamper their career and hold them […]

  • Google gives Android 0 the 8.0 version number

    The Android 0 developer’s preview was announced at the Google 1/O n 2017. It didn’t reveal major changes but it enabled users to find some differences in their next-generation Android device. This time, the third developer’s preview is out. The next version of the Google’s mobile operating system Android 0 will be the Android 8.0. […]

  • Lakson Investments awarded as Pakistan’s first VC Firm

    Lakson Investments has been a major player in Pakistan’s economy. It has some of the best business managers in the country. Lakson Investment is led by a group of partners who were previously directors at reputable firms. This company is focused on integrating the experience gained from the local economy with world’s business environment. Recently, […]

  • Most in demand Programming language for beginners

    Nowadays the processing coding skills are becoming most popular. For beginners learning some of the skills such as Python is extremely important. It is one of the easiest but important languages to learn. Learning Python is a stepping stone towards learning other languages. Although there are many other languages that are more powerful Python seems […]

  • Microsoft’s Face Swap, Swap faces on photos

    You must have never thought of switching your face with a friend or a photo in real time. But now with the latest face swap tools, you can not get the face swap images out of your brain. It has taken the world by storm as people are now finding new ways to alter their […]

  • How to deal with political talk in the office

    There is a lot going on in our world right now, therefore, its natural for people to want to talk about it. These include the people who work at offices and indulge in conversations more than their actual work. All the turmoil can cause a problem especially when you sincerely want to focus on work. […]

  • 4 Soft skills that need attention and here is why

    In order to thrive in life, there are many essential life skills a person must learn. These skills are vital in succeeding in today’s circumstances. As kids, we were used to be taught to behave at our best when conversing with others regardless of their position or status. In a workplace, these skills become even […]

  • Record Revenue Growth by Pakistan’s IT sector

    In Pakistan, information and IT sector is the fastest growing segment of Pakistan’s economy. It is a key driver for growth and employs millions of people directly and indirectly. This sector has been on a continuous rise and is contributing to the local markets. It is exporting services and products to various countries extracting an […]

  • Apple is attracting Android users, here is how

    For a while now, Apple is sweeping up Android users. It has been focusing on attracting the Android users and the CEO has been showing statistics about the number of people who have been switching to iPhones. Recently, the iPhone making company has launched a website that is intended for urging Android users to make […]

  • Avoid saying these things in a job interview

    The ultimate purpose of a job interview is to get across the hiring manager and prove you are the right person for the job. This is an opportunity to show that you have the right set of skills, a great personality, and the drive to really make things happen when you are given the post. […]

  • People Burnout due to three reasons that are often overlooked

    Although there are 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds in each day but it seems there is never have enough time to get everything done. It becomes a challenge to balance work and life which makes people more vulnerable to the risk of burnout. Everyone faces burnout at some time and feel powerless which […]

  • 5 Skills that pay off forever

    In everyday life, people don’t have enough time to dedicate to learning all new skills. But the act of learning can really improve you and enable you to do things in the future that are beyond your current possibilities. It indicates that more time should be spent in learning skills that yield the greatest benefit. […]