Phrase: focus

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  • Facebook’s challenges in China, compromise free speech

    Despite Facebook’s efforts to lay a strong foundation for its social network in China, the chances of flourishing in the country are still gloomy. According to New York Times reports, the social networking giant is focusing on developing systems that could sensor information to settle agreements with Chinese authorities. The times aren’t good for Facebook […]

  • Shop now, Pay later

    Singapore’s fintech startup Onelyst has brought loans and ecommerce on one podium. The startup launched its new product Rely on November 1st which targets the income group that cannot afford to pay for credit cards. It allows them to purchase a product of their choice and pay through installment plans. For one of the first […]

  • This App is the Next Big Thing for Teenagers

    Teenagers are increasingly using video chat applications for communicating with friends. Video chat plays an important role in helping them socialize after school and on weekends. Houseparty is a new video chat application that has been developed to provide teenagers with an extremely modernize experience of live streaming. Houseparty provides a synchronous social networking which […]

  • Bitcoin is on a rise as Trump is getting ready for the White House

    Cryptocurrency markets are stimulating after Donald Trump has been elected to rule the country. It has been happening since the election night when Trump’s victory started becoming more evident. Bitcoin prices steadily increased at that time. The prices reached to a height of $738, rising from a price of $703. It was the end timings […]

  • Predictions for Social Media in 2017

    With approaching New Year, it is time to predict something new for Social Media’s future plans and activities. It is necessary to understand we are headed and what kind of resolutions will be beneficial in the next 12 months. Social media platforms play an important role in our lives nowadays therefore it is important to […]

  • Most Popular Employers, Jobs for 2016 College Grads

    Technology Gender Equality

    LinkedIn has recently released data regarding college graduates. According to reports, America has undergone a massive transition with respect to its employment options. The country needs to train more and more people in order to meet the gap that has been created. LinkedIn is playing an important role in addressing this shift with the help […]

  • Facebook launches Unified inbox for businesses

    Businesses are always looking for something that can keep them updated with conversation on social media platforms. For such businesses there is good news, Facebook has recently launched a new feature that make it easier to stay on top of every discussion. According to Facebook’s global head of pages, Benji Shomair, this feature has been […]

  • Obama’s interview guarantees big success for this new startup

    new startups

    Many surprising things emerged during the presidential elections but something really amazing that this race brought in spotlight is a new startup company NowThis. On its own, the company’s election coverage snagged around two billion views making it most popular among the audience. A new startup portfolio company NowThis has started to influence the young […]

  • Whatsapp copying Snapchat’s inspired feature.

    Facebook and WhatsApp always step back and take the long view for SnapChat’s features. Instead of reinventing the wheels, they are focusing their efforts on copying the features that are most demanded among their competitor’s audience. It would be safe to day, SnapChat is a bench mark of innovation. Recently, WhatsApp has started testing image-sharing […]

  • Facebook Video is paying off

    Recently Facebook shared its quarterly earnings of last year and it revealed its revenue growth as 49.1% in US and Canada. These revenues are the company’s home market where there is a strong purchasing power of the users with fast connectivity networks. Making and viewing of video ads is quite popular here as compared to […]

  • 40M people connected with by Facebook

    Recently Mark Zuckerberg has publicized through Facebook’s blockbuster Q3 earning call, that has been successful in getting 40 million people online. Because of the company’s accessibility initiatives, 0.5% of the global population is now linked with the web. The company also stated that has added to the user growth on monthly basis. Since […]

  • Facebook is after $500 billion Telecom Market

    Recently the tech giant Facebook has revealed several details about its plans to take over the $500 billion telecom equipment market. Facebook has invented a computer network product and aims to share it openly with its audience. It also plans to design a wireless open source cellular network. The network equipment known as optical switch […]

  • Memory skills to make you smarter

    Our ability to remember things change as we grow older. We miss most of the things because they slip our mind. We get frustrated with our memory lapses and it becomes harder for us to learn new things quickly. The ability to screen out distractions in order to better connect with memory requires learning. The […]

  • 10 Things to Do in the Beginning of the Week

    Everybody’s start of the week is just a blunt reminder of the intimidating, stressful, and a daunting work of the rest of the four days. People feel much more exhausted on Monday mornings rather than other days. They feel less organized and anxiety prevails throughout the beginning. But there are few people who start their […]

  • Snapchat to feel a lot more like TV in the future

    Snapchat has already gained immense popularity as a teen devote. The company is now taking further steps in order to make it seem more like a regular television. The company wants to incorporate its online service with original video programming ranging from headlines to reality shows and entertainment for its audience. According to the sources, […]

  • ‘Go Insta’ is going to be Instagram LIVE Video

      Snapchat has already gained immense popularity as a teen devote. The company is now taking further steps in order to make it seem more like a regular television. The company wants to incorporate its online service with original video programming ranging from headlines to reality shows and entertainment for its audience. According to the […]

  • No One Wants To Buy Twitter

      This week, Twitter is on nobody’s wish list. It seems that for now, no one is ready to bid for its acquisition. This is the reason that Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff has walked away from making an offer to anyone to buy the company. All the big platforms such as Google and Disney are […]

  • Workplace by Facebook

    Workplace is the name that is given to Facebook’s new enterprise-focused social networking and messaging service. This is basically a mobile and desktop app that provide news feed, translation features, video and audio calling, Chat direct messaging, Live Video, reactions to its users. It is not restricted to any specific group of customers; it literally […]

  • Samsung Asks Partners To Stop Selling Note 7 Worldwide.

    Recently Samsung has issued a statement for retailers to halt the sales of galaxy Note 7. It has also urged the Galaxy user’s to power down the device even if they are using a replaced battery version. The launch of Galaxy Note 7 was the worst thing that could have happened to Samsung and its […]