Pakistan’s Economic Crisis | Is there a way out or are we in a deep…..

pakistan economic crisis

In this video, for the very first time in my public life – I just opened my heart out and talked about the vicious circle of poverty that has chained us from top to bottom.

From the top?, well – I beg your pardon. Let me put it this way, from middle to bottom. I am referring to the class segment of society that has created bubbles of doubts, fears, and hopelessness around them.

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As of now, there’s no bailout, but it is also clear that every problem is an amazing opportunity.

Gharub tou ho raha hoon

Per abhi Dooba nahi hoon

It is weekend. You’re most probably spending time with your family.

Can I borrow your 44 minutes, please?

I promise you, every second in a minute will be worth your attention.

Watch this video and share your comments.

It is not over until it is over


Hisham Sarwar

[email protected]

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)