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Periscope introduces ‘Producer’ for professional broadcasting to Twitter

In an effort to pace-up the live streams on its platform, Periscope has introduced ‘Producer

The users will be able to live stream direct from their HD cameras (alongside smartphones as well). The ‘Producer’ aims to help increase the live video streaming on Twitter by enabling professional broadcasters with direct access.

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Producer lets broadcasters livestream videos to Periscope, Twitter directly from their Camera setup by using laptop webcam or a professional video camera. The feature also lets Producers add animations and graphics. The tool also supports advertisements to monetize the live videos, something which Periscope does not have it at this moment.

Periscope CEO Kayvon Beykpour in an interview to Mashable said

We want to broaden what can go into the Periscope ecosystem

There are also third party programs which let Producers broadcast directly from Cameras, webcam on Facebook as well. The competition surely is going to get tougher in an attempt to enable people reach their target audience with live videos, Periscope has an edge for now with ‘Producer’ as it also lets producers, publishers monetize their videos.

You can signup for ‘Producer’ here

Via: Mashable


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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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