
Popular articles displayed by Twitter

Twitter seems to be recognizing why the third-party tools take off therefore the company is borrowing what works and is offering it to more of its users. Recently Twitter has launched a news aggregation tool named as Popular Articles.

This Popular Article feature collects the most shared stories by people in user’s network. This feature is similar to that of Nuzzel, a tool for aggregating news articles but Popular Articles isn’t as robust. There was a time when twitter was considered to be acquiring the company but then it developed its own version of the popular tool.

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For finding the feature, users will have to scroll down and they will find it past the special purpose section such as Popular in General News. Once found, it gives a link-sharing breakdown where the service gives users a list with numeric count of the number of their followers that shared the same link.

The company has confirmed that the feature is being tested and is also being rolled out to iOS and Android users. Just by clicking on the Show More option, Twitter users can see the number of tweets articles is getting across the platform.

Via: Engadget

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Written by BG Staff


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