
Putin says Russia has developed a coronavirus vaccine

Russian is on its way to introduce a coronavirus vaccine and become a market leader. Russian President Putin says Russia has developed coronavirus vaccine.

The vaccine has been granted permission to be used and his own daughter has been inoculated.

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This was revealed in a government meeting telecasted on state television. Putin claimed that the vaccine is efficient and test results were extremely encouraging and offers a good long-lasting immunity from COVID-19.

Putin said, I know it works quite effectively and it forms a great immunity and the vaccine has passed all the required checks.

Putin also said that one of his daughters received a shot of the vaccine and now she is feeling well which reflects that his family volunteered to take part in the experiment. The Russian authorities are saying that medical, workers, teachers, and other front line risk groups will be the first to receive the shots and inoculated as they are in great danger of getting affected by the disease. This will build their herd immunity.

Officially, Russia is the first country to register a coronavirus vaccine. Claimed Putin.

Russian’s fast developments on developing the vaccine and win the global race remind us of the early 60’s cold war, a race to land on the moon.

This vaccine (name not revealed) is developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute within 2 months of performing human testing. This means, the vaccine has not gone through the Phase 3 trial that usually lasts for months, involves hundreds of thousands of people.

The authorities claim that the vaccine is developed after years of research for Ebola, MERS vaccines and no stone is left unturned in ensuring complete human safety.


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Written by Saima Ikram


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