
QR codes look awesome with iOS 11

QR has been around since 1994 and has become prevalent with the introduction of the smartphone technology. The QR codes have never been an established thing especially in a country where Apple’s influence and market share is highest worldwide such as U.S. recently Apple announced that its camera app can now scan the QR codes by default without the requirement of any additional software.

Upon opening up the stock camera on the developer beta of iOS 11 and pointing it towards a standard QR code will reveal a pop-up prompt with a decoded text or action. If the feature is not required, it can be turned off by the user but it is a simple process to make the QR codes much more accessible for anyone having an iOS device.

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Several companies such as Facebook and SnapChat are using their own variants to make it easy to add friends. QR codes help in accessing and sharing useful data easily including contact information, addresses, URLs, phone numbers etc. But this feature requires users to install a separate app in order to scan them.

Samsung has also been trying to achieve this with its camera on the Galaxy S8 and required users to activate Bixby vision feature for the purpose. The QR code can possibly become widespread if there is no barrier for the users to use it. Information can be accessed a lot more quickly and easily when items have a QR code. Android devices are also expected to follow this suit as Apple has started scanning the QR codes now.

Via: The Next Web


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Written by mebeing


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