
Science backed ways of staying alert without drinking caffeine

With more and more people getting less sleep, it is tempting to reach for an energy drink or an espresso while feeling sleepy at work. But combating sleepiness with caffeine can lead to a never-ending vicious cycle. Caffeine not only reduces your sleep but also alters the normal stages of sleep as well as decreases its quality.

Following are the few tips to make it through the day without taking big doses of caffeine:

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Take your eyes away from the screen:

You struggle to keep your eyes open when you stare at your computer screen for long. It not only makes it harder to keep them open but also hurts your eyes. You can minimize the risk of damaging your eyes by reducing the glaring time on a screen. 95% of Americans are at risk for computer vision syndrome. Make it a habit to blink frequently when you are looking at a screen and gaze at a different object for at least 20 minutes.

Eat healthily:

It is common among people to eat unhealthy snacks to shift their focus form their work stress. But any kind of unhealthy food makes you mentally lethargic. You try to mask this feeling by the intake of more caffeine which makes you active for a short period of time and makes you feel foggier after that. Adopt the habit of eating healthy food and adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Research says, Vegetarians are less healthy than the meat eaters

Stay hydrated:

You feel exhausted at times because you are dehydrated without realizing. Therefore, it is necessary that you drink water even if you are not thirsty. Drink twelve glasses of water a day and you won’t require any caffeine drink to stay alert.

Go outside:

A little sunshine can help you recharge and it will be better than any caffeine drink. Nature outside is beautiful and the natural colors give you energy and bring benefits for your eyesight. So, take a break from your work to go outside and stand under some direct sunshine. Going outside and spending time in nature also helps fighting depression.

Go for a walk:

During peak levels of sleepiness, it is better to get your endorphins flowing. When you start moving by going for a walk, the neurotransmitter help to reduce stress and increase your energy levels.

Take deep breaths:

You can also boost your dipping energy levels by breathing deeply. When you breathe deeply, it reduces stress and anxiety and helps to boost your immune system.

Turn on some music:

When you listen to your favorite music, it releases multiple feel-good chemicals in your brain that gives you an energy boost. So, it is good if you keep your favorite music playing for some time and it will make you feel highly energetic.

Chew gum:

Some studies have shown that chewing gum can be effective during the feelings of sleepiness. When you chew gum, it increases circulation as well as activates certain regions of your brain.

Watch videos of animals online:

The study has revealed that people who watch internet cat videos have high energy levels. It is because watching cats’ furry antics not only boosts the mood but also helps to combat sleepiness.

Take a nap:

A nap can help you to get re-energized for your work and to reduce sleepiness. When everything else fails, you can take a nap for a few minutes. It helps to enhance alertness and attention, improves learning, creativity, and to retain information. These 5 medical reasons for getting at-least 6 hours sleep, play an instrumental role in improving your attention span for day to day activities.

Julia Calderone wrote the original version of the post.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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