
Searching for art just got better. Enhanced chart search results with Google

Google has recently announced its Google Search results and maps. This feature has been introduced by the company’s arts and culture team for the web users to better experience the art they searching for. This feature has improved the process by enabling users to be able to view the high-resolution imagery of the artwork in question.

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This feature will also enable them to be able to see the artwork hanging on the wall of the museum and also browse through the complete collection of an artist’s work. With Google Map, users will be able to take virtual tours of museums and reading annotations regarding the art in question. This feature was developed by the Google’s arts and crafts team which has its own art browsing application. This browsing app includes 360-degree virtual tours along with a Shazam for art feature. Through Google search and maps integration, the results of the previous efforts are being made more broadly available.

The Maps street view has also been updated by Google with museum guides on a desktop as well as on mobiles. This will enable users to walk through museum’s room by the help of Google Maps which will allow them to read helpful annotations. This will further be linked to pages with more elaborated information regarding the art.

Currently, this feature is only available in the museums that participated and allowed Google to scan their walls. According to Google, the company successfully scanned over 15,000 works of art. After that, it identified and categorized the works with a visual recognition software. As the company has rolled out the upgrades, up till now it has seen 500 million art related searches each month. The Google Maps works only on desktop and on mobile through Chrome Browser.

Via: Tech Crunch

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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