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Share your location with Facebook Messenger

It seems that after SnapChat, Facebook is trying to copy a feature which it likes best from any platform and innovate it according to its own terms. It has done the same with Google’s recently added feature of location sharing to Maps.

With Facebook Messenger, it was previously possible to just share a quick snapshot of their location on the map. But now, it has enabled its users to see where their friends actually are in real time i.e. whether they have reached a place or are still on their way.

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The process is pretty simple; users just need to tap on the new location icon. Then tap on the icon labeled “more” and then select the location. Up to 60 minutes, locations of the users will be shared but can be stopped anytime. These sharing abilities work for group conversations as well. This feature gives users the exact time of how long it would take to reach to other person’s location. But obviously, for that, both users need to share their locations.

For Facebook Messenger, this is great for helping its users when they are visiting a new place. Sharing location in group conversation can also help in keeping a check on all the members so that nobody gets lost. This new feature has been rolled out to both iOS as well as Android users and is expected to come in handy whenever there is a need for sharing location among specific people.



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Written by mebeing


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