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Siri recordings ‘regularly’ sent to Apple contractors for analysis

Apple joins the elite class of Facebook, Google and Amazon of being controversial ‘eyebrow-raiser’. After a whistleblower brought the matter to the surface, Apple agrees to his statement, The Guardian reports.

The person voiced his opinion saying all Siri notes are analyzed by humans at Apple. This is done to improve the Siri’s quality and to conduct a better analysis of the functionality.

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Not disclosed in Apple’s privacy policy though, the recordings are then analyzed for other purposes such as comparing data, location etc.

Just like any other company, Apple defends itself by saying, it uses the recording to improve the services.

Although Apple has not said this, these recordings may well be used for training and analysis purposes too. Apple confirms that the analysis of recordings is done in a closed-door environment and all researches are bound by a non-disclosure agreement not to whisper any word outside the premises. Somehow, the whistleblower got his hands on the news.

According to the whistleblower, the “small portion” of Siri requests are apparently randomly chosen too. They include “countless instances of recordings featuring private discussions between patients and doctors, some business deals, apparently, some criminal dealings, sexual encounters also make it to the list and the list moves on.”

Welcome to the real world. Nothing is Free, not even your breath. Every tech service has a price tag associated with it and that goes far beyond the price of the product you’ve already paid.

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Written by BG Staff


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