
Social Media Guidelines for Pakistani Government Servants

Social Media Guidelines for Pakistani Government Servants

The federal government has directed organizations to use social media for public engagement and policy feedback.

Office Memorandum from Establishment Division

On Monday, the Establishment Division issued an Office Memorandum concerning government employees’ use of social media. The memo references previous Circular No. 1/20/1976-D:3 from July 23, 2020, and O.M F.No. 14/04/2021-D-II from August 25, 2021. These archives frame the Government Servants (Conduct)Rules, 1964, which oversee government representatives’ cooperation in media forums, including social media platforms.

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Rules Governing Media Participation

1. Permission Requirement

  • Government employees must obtain permission before participating in any media platform.

2. Confidentiality and Information Sharing

  • Rule 18: Government employees are prohibited from sharing official documents with unauthorized individuals.
  • Rule 22: Restricts making statements or opinions that could embarrass the Government in any published document or media communication.

3. Restrictions on Opinions and Views

  • Rules 21, 25, 25-A, and 25-B: Rules 21, 25, 25-A, and 25-B prohibit government employees from criticizing Pakistan’s integrity. They also ban discussions that could harm public order, national security, decency, or morality.

Observations of Non-Compliance

Despite these regulations, government servants often use social media like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Instances of non-compliance include:

  • Unauthorized disclosure of official information.
  • Dissemination of misleading or incorrect information.
  • Expression of political, sectarian, or prejudiced views.

New Instructions for Social Media Use

To address these issues, the following instructions are issued:

  1. Adherence to Official Standards: The same standards that apply to public speeches and print media articles should be observed on social media.
  2. No Unauthorized Disclosure: Government servants must not disclose official information or documents on social media.
  3. Avoid Political Discussions: They should not participate in or forward political opinions or discussions on social media.
  4. No Dissemination of False Information: Refrain from sharing or supporting information that seems unauthentic or misleading.
  5. Maintain Professionalism: Avoid making disparaging remarks and uphold civil service values. Practice discretion and moderation in social media use.

Clarification on Constructive Use

The instructions aim to maintain decorum while not discouraging the constructive use of social media for public engagement. Government organizations are encouraged to use social media to solicit feedback and resolve complaints but must regularly monitor their platforms to remove offensive or inappropriate content.

Compliance and Disciplinary Actions

All government servants must adhere to these guidelines.  Misconduct will be considered for violations of the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 2020, and disciplinary action may follow. Additionally, group platform government service administrators may face disciplinary measures for violations.


Federal Secretaries, Additional Secretaries, Service or Cadre Administrators, Chief Secretaries, and heads of Civil Services Academies are requested to ensure that these instructions are implemented effectively across all relevant government departments.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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