
Use The Power Of These 3 ‘D’s To Fuel Your Success

hisham sarwar

You can not become successful with a poor attitude in life. No one is coming to hold your hand and walk you through the journey of success. It’s your life, it is your responsibility to make the best out of it.

A strong “Desire” pushes you to achieve your goals 24/7. It doesn’t even let you sleep but yet you “Deam” about it all the time to escalate “Determination” in order to move forward.

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As a matter of fact, you are constantly thinking about ways to accomplish your goals. Breaking your fears, and building up a character with courage and strong grit equips you to pursue your goals.

The formation of 3Ds is all you need to build fire in your belly. It helps you build success, fuels your success story, and inspires others to follow you.

Desire, Dream and Determination.

Everything else begins to fall in place when you go all your heart out and take your goal as a challenge. If your desire doesn’t challenge you, it will never change you. Changing your thoughts is very important. Not only, it charges you up but it also helps you in changing your world.

Nothing is impossible. Nelson Mandela was so right when he said: “It always seems impossible until it’s done“. Achieving your goals requires constant effort and progress. It’s the combination of intensity, duration, and direction. The amount of intensity determines your direction toward achieving your goal.

It does not matter how fast you move but it does matter, how much progress you’ve made without taking a break in your routine. Regularity is the key, speed hardly matters. Warren Buffett was once asked, why so many people want to become rich overnight. The world’s third-richest man replied nobody wants to get rich slowly.

Let’s dive deep and look into the importance of the “3D’s”.


Desire is the first step in any achievement. It’s a pulsating desire that sets you on the path of pursuing your goals. Desire transcends everything, the desire for success needs to be greater than the fear of failure. We all face failures in life at some point but it is the burning desire that fuels the surviving power. It’s a reason to start a new day with new aspirations by learning from past mistakes and failures.

As a Cricket historian, I’ve always been a big fan of some great fast bowlers in history. At the very top of my list, Sir Richard Hadlee from Newzealand features followed by Wasim Akram of Pakistan and Glen McGrath of Australia.

In an interview with ESPN given to late Australian Captain and commentator Richie Benaud, Sir Richard Hadlee pointed out the “Desire” as the biggest contributor to his success. The desire of getting the batsman out, add numbers to his wickets tally, and not only become successful but also making name for himself and his country kept pushing him forward in his career.

Desire is the absurdity that holds open the infinity of possibility. Wendy Farley.


Desire followed by a dream is a perfect fit. All craving desires seek dreams to accompany them on a journey toward success. Dreams are essential to keep life in motion and one must not lose dreaming as they are stimulants to achieving your desires.

A strong dream pushes you to move forward aggressively with your desire to achieve your goals. The setbacks in the journey are part of the process and should not pull you back. The temporary disappointments in life can easily be feathered out if you have strong dreams.

All high achievers in the world were dreamers. Dreams create power and willingness to achieve your desires.

A burning dream alone is a great motivator for every action you will take in pursuit of your goals. Hisham Sarwar


You desire something, and you dream big about it but without the determination to prove your mettle, you can’t move forward aggressively. Jack Ma believes leadership is all about determination.

Bill Gates dropped out of college to chase his dreams. in the late 70s, he was determined to make the personal computer a reality, a necessity of every house in the time to come.

A strong determination is a belief that it’s going to happen. It creates a vigorous and ever-increasing desire to make things happen. Determination alone is a powerful attribute to achieving your goals because you put all your best efforts into the task.

It is the intensity of your determination that empowers the force to determine the direction of your objective.

It is only because of your determination that despite failures in an attempt to achieve your goals, you do not give up. You understand that the small stumbling blocks and setbacks are just temporary and the strength of your determination will sail you through the storm of problems.

So, my friend, every high achiever who had a big desire, was once a big dreamer, determined to pursue their goals without worrying about the challenges.

Only the crazy ones change the world and their destiny.

Do you have the power of these 3D’s inside you?

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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