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Technology Perks, freelancers have taken to rural life


Generation Z individuals and millennials are bringing a new mindset to business marketing and hiring attitudes. They are hitting the workforce of today and are bringing their own point of view to the masses. The lack of boundaries in freelancing has made it a unique option for these individuals. In the US, freelancing is increasing at a faster rate. These individuals who have adopted this profession do not all belong to the cities, most of them are residing in rural areas. Technology has made it possible to work from home and Generation Z individuals are taking full advantage of that.

According to online research that was carried out by UpWork and the Freelancers Union in 2016, in the US economy there are 55 million people working as freelancers. These individuals constitute 35% of the US workforce. The survey was based on Edelman Intelligence of 6,002 Americas. All these people have been working for the past twelve months and were paid accordingly. But all the freelancers were not found to be living in the cities. The reports indicated that out of all the freelancers 47% were living in Suburbs, 35% were in urban areas, whereas 18% of the freelancers preferred living in rural areas.

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A decade ago, Self-employment was not considered a successful option even in urban areas. But now with the evolving technology, people can work wherever they want. The unimaginable possibility of technology has given rise to freelancing. This is a profession adopted by so many talented individuals of today. Freelancers now prefer living in rural areas whereas their families have adopted the urban lifestyle. Although many freelancers are moving towards the digital nomad hotspot abroad such as Thailand, Malaysia, Serbia, etc., those who are living in the US prefer a rural lifestyle. It is not so that rural individuals are some adults who prefer working from the serenity of rural lands; these are individuals of pretty young age. The study revealed that 47% of these Generation Z individuals are 18-21 years of age and 43% of millennials are under 22-23 years of age. Only 34% of these individuals belonging to Generation Y have ages between 35-44 and both Generation X ad initial freelancers are 28%.

Technology is not just helping freelancers to find computer-related work but it has also enabled individuals to find independent work for themselves. 73% of the individuals regarded technology as a great way to find work that is not even related to computers, cell phones, or the internet.

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The rural lifestyle is becoming popular among freelancers not only because the cost of living is lower but also because nature is a powerful motivator for anyone to work more productively. This is a good option for anyone who wants to work and raise a family away from the industrial chaos.

But living in rural areas has its own challenges; internet connections can be problematic at times. Also, loneliness can be troublesome while working away from the freelancer’s community. Although there are so many freelancers working in rural areas now they are spread far apart. This makes it difficult for like-minded people to connect and become a motivation for other freelancers.

Via: Digital Trends

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Written by Hina Javed Malik


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