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Teens have dumped Facebook for YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat

According to A Pew survey of teens that keeps a close eye on how teens use technology, it is observed that teens are ditching Facebook for visually appealing Instagram, Snap-chat and YouTube. This trend has changed in 3 years since the last survey was done by Pew in 2015. In 2018, teens have opted for mobile-native content that is highly visual and easily browsable.

According to the survey by Pew, YouTube takes first place with 85% reporting they use it regularly over any other app, then Instagram comes second at 72% followed by Snap-chat at 69%.

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pewFacebook, currently at 51% sadly is a far cry from approximately 71% who regularly used it according to the survey in 2015.

According to Techcrunch, Phone-addicted teens aren’t as happy as those who play sports and hang out IRL, new study suggests

Via: Tech Crunch


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