
The Top 5 Books on Marketing in the Modern World 

Marketing seems to be an area of business that is constantly evolving, especially in the age of the internet. Due to fluctuating trends, the rise of influencers, and the emphasized importance of businesses building and maintaining an online following, the most effective forms of marketing are extremely different now from what they were a decade ago. 

The best ways to build an online presence are debated. Some people emphasize the importance of having a blog and creating SEO-optimized content. Some believe the answer lies more in local marketing, staying small at first and eventually branching out. While others believe companies should utilize all of the opportunities that the internet brings with it, which means enlisting the help of a link building service and posting content on placement sites of authority as a means to achieve higher keyword rankings.

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Whichever route you choose will vary depending on what you want to achieve with your business. It is certainly worth taking the time to consider current marketing strategies as a means to assess how you would like to move forward. To assist, consider the list below of the top five books on marketing in the modern world. 

1- Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds 

This is a great book to read for modern marketing because it has a focus on using the internet but also caters to the fact that every entrepreneur, regardless of how much they intend on relying on technology with their business, will need to deliver a presentation at some point. The Presentation Zen blog has some interesting content and is worth having a look at to decide if you think this book would be a useful read for you. 

2- Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug 

A website is an incredibly useful and necessary tool when it comes to growing your business online, and this book is full of things you need to know before designing one or hiring someone to design it for you. There is more information on this book available if you would like to know more. 

3- Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words to the Bank by Eisenberg and Associates 

One effective marketing method that people frequently use is creating captivating copy on their website to help it rank higher on search engines. When learning to do this, there is no better place to turn than this book. Eisenberg and Associates have perfected the art of copywriting and share tips and tricks for you to follow in this incredibly insightful book. 

4- Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy 

The author of this book, David Ogilvy, has managed to build one of the world’s largest advertising agencies. Confessions of an Advertising Man, though initially published before the invention of the internet, provides readers with the foundations necessary for any wannabe advertiser to build on. 

5- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini 

Check any list that recommends books on marketing, and you will find Influence on there. Through these pages, you’ll learn how to get into your customer’s heads which is necessary for knowing how to promote your business as well as securing sales. It also helps you understand employees and how you can be a successful leader. All in all, if you want to succeed in business, you need to understand the art of persuasion, and nowhere covers it better than Robert Cialdini. 


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