
TikTok topples Facebook as most downloaded app

As per information by Sensortower, TikTok topples Facebook with 64 million downloads gaining an “A+” grade but the market leader is still Whatsapp in the market leader position with 79 million and maintaining an “A*” rating. Whereas Facebook stands at 3rd position with 28 million. This does come as a shock to many investors as TikTok, who rose to fame for providing short video services.

This information was gathered from both SensorTower Global and its subsidiary SensorTower China and it evaluates that the download is for both App Store and Google Play. However, TikTok has gained notoriety which is the reason for the surge in its downloads. It is mostly used for demographics of 16 to 24 age group but for some reason we have seen a spike in a demographic of 24 to 32 which is a big shock.

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TikTok is a China-based app and it amounts to 85 percent of the revenue and only targets 10 percent of the US sector.

Many experts believe that this China-based app uses spyware in order to track a user’s data. These experts have no proof of these claims and are using common regional hate to spread a false narrative.

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Written by Sarmed Malik


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