
What’s that one trick that helped me ease my English?

trick to improve english

Learning a new language takes hard work, but it’s not an impossible task like pushing a boulder uphill forever. Instead, it’s a journey that comes with its excitement and rewards.

Do Grammar or Vocabulary matter?

That’s a thought that comes to everyone’s mind when start learning a new language.

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In my view, I strongly feel that just concentrating on vocabulary held me back from improving. I recall that during my school days, the English teacher would ask me about sentence structure, and surprisingly, I would get it right.

But the part that troubled me the most was when the teacher would shake my confidence and crush my dreams of success with a ‘Why?’. I had no reply to her ‘Why?’ because my answer came from a gut feeling, not from any careful thinking.

Let me enumerate the reasons that helped me answer correctly:

  • Movies: Watching movies has unintentionally improved how I put together sentences, how I speak, and my grammar.
  • Music: Listening to music has greatly helped me shape my thoughts, as it always gives me new ideas on how to express myself.
  • Imitation: A great way to learn any language is by copying it. Learn how native speakers of that language pronounce words, and how they talk. The common words or slang they use every day.

True learning involves understanding the mindset of native speakers.

Read More: 3 proven ways to improve your written and spoken English

The one tactic you must use is:

  • Read people’s feedback or thoughts: In 2023, I couldn’t even write or speak with certainty. My ideas were held back by social norms, my words were restricted, and I would often stumble while talking. That’s when I realized that “Language isn’t just about learning; it’s about how well you can express your thoughts and feelings.”
  • Pick up a pen and a notebook: What you should do next is take a pen and start jotting down difficult words, pairing each with 2 or 3 synonyms in a sentence. Even if you learn 5 words every other day, you’ll add up to 910 words in a year. With 2 synonyms per word, that’s 1820 words practised. This is a useful method for increasing your vocabulary.
  • Create your sentences and use them daily: For each new word I learned, I used it in a sentence. I did this by commenting on posts or chatting with friends and family.
  • Review your words and sentences daily: I’m not suggesting you memorize or study them hard. I’m just talking about regularly reading or becoming familiar with the words you write down.

Now I’ll be discussing the quintessential commodity that has helped me attract the praise.

  1. Diction

Word choice is like magic, turning even the most basic phrases into something poetic. The beauty of rhetoric lies in its ability to captivate; it holds a special allure, leaving a lasting impression on readers that’s hard to forget.

  1. Relevancy

The second point is the key content. Focus on sticking closely to the main subject when writing or choosing words. If you find it difficult to avoid straying, then here’s the good news: you can reshape your words to ensure they still feel connected to the topic.

  1. Facts

Facts and logic are things you should never twist. Always be truthful when you write, as any falsehood or distortion could lead to negative outcomes.

Read More: Advice for Non-Native English Bloggers

Language is just an expression

Let’s remember that language is simply a tool to share your thoughts. Vocabulary matters, but how you arrange your words is key. It’s what captures readers’ attention.

Clear, effective expression makes you seem more skilled. My suggestion? Focus on letting your ideas connect with people on a deeper level.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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