
Twitter’s night mode rolling out to desktop users

Recently Twitter has rolled out a Night Mode for its desktop users, TNW reports. On iOS and Android, this feature was made available last year but for desktop users, this is something new. The spokesperson of Twitter confirmed last month that the company is testing this feature but now it has been provided finally.

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For desktop users, in order Night Mode they need to click on their profile image which is available at the top right corner of the display screen. Then the users need to go down to the bottom of the drop-down menu where the Night Mode option will have a crescent moon icon next to it.

Previously, this feature was being used by a small group of people but now it is available worldwide. This Night Mode on Twitter no doubt brings certain gravity to the tweets. Some users, however, are still not able to use it for now but this may be due to the staggering availability for a couple of days. In the upcoming weeks, it will start working efficiently.

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Written by BG Staff


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