
Uploading videos got faster with Google Photos

Over the weekend, the photo storage and photo sharing app known as Google Photos just got a speed boost. The app updated for providing a quick fix for uploading videos on slower connections. Being racked up by 500 million users, Google Photos has been provided on a range of Android devices. The company seems to be capitalizing on its success with the help of AI-assisted tools.

This recent update is a continuation of a feature that was launched earlier this year. The earlier update backed up images in low-resolution where there was weak connectivity. But later with the Wi-Fi connection, the pictures were turned into a high-resolution. This allowed users to upload and share the lightweight preview images without worrying about the slow connection ruining the progress.

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Google Photos 3.6 version has to be downloaded on Android for an immediate speed boost. According to the company, the waiting time in Google Photos for sharing videos has been reduced by uploading low resolution copies of the images for sharing. These will be replaced later on with high-resolution versions.

Currently, this facility is available just to the Android users and it has not been mentioned regarding what exact resolution the app will generate for low-resolution images. But this surely will help people not to be stranded with pixelated images as the clips will be turned into high-resolution videos by Google later on.

Google Photos (Play Store)

Via: Engadget

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Written by BG Staff


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