
Urdu Safha, Promoting Urdu Language

One indispensable instrument that can create ties of the moments and eliminate misunderstandings is “Language”, which is the core of humanity. It is the key to human lives and the only means to bring humans out of the dark and to change the thought processes of their ancestors. It is language that made growth of civilization most possible. At the initial beginnings of the world, humans had only one language but now there are more than 5000 languages spoken around the world.

A unique language is something that distinguishes a man from others. One such language that emerged in 1193 AD was the language that was developed between the Mughal army soldiers who belonged to various ethnicities. It has evolved and developed as a distinct language today as Urdu language.

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Muslim leaders in the past used Urdu language as a tool to fight for their freedom and to unite under the banner of independence. This is what “Urdu Safha” is trying to do now, to promote Urdu language in order to distinguish Pakistani culture from mingling into other cultures. We are fortunate enough to have this online platform as it is giving strength to establish Urdu up to the society’s cultures and demands.

It attracts reader’s attention by providing latest articles and columns online in pure Urdu language. It aims to promote not only the language but also the authors who write these articles. Authors through their intense articles are trying to make common man understand the arising issues of today whereas poets are using their poetry and prose to enlighten the path towards a brighter future.

Urdu language is an identity of Pakistan’s culture and society and Urdu Safha is doing a great job in promoting and strengthening Urdu in a multi-standard education system



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Written by BG Staff


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