
To improve the user experience, TikTok tests AI chatbot Tako

The well-known social media site TikTok is now testing an AI chatbot by the name of “Tako” that promises to transform how its users discover content.

This advanced chatbot is made to make video recommendations and respond to user questions on the content they are now viewing.

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According to TikTok, Tako is presently being tested in the Philippines and is powered by a third-party chat assistant.

In contrast to other chatbots on comparable platforms, Tako has received tremendous publicity from TikTok.

Tako is conveniently located in the main right-hand menu next to bookmarks and favorites for readers looking for help finding fresh and interesting material.

By featuring Tako prominently, TikTok intends to inspire people to delve more into the subjects covered in the videos.

The bot’s chat interface clarifies Tako’s dedication to offering useful suggestions when it says, “Feel free to ask me anything, and I’ll do my best to help you find what you’re looking for.”

The goal of this personalized strategy is to improve user experience and facilitate more pleasurable and seamless content discovery.

Additionally, TikTok is experimenting with AI-generated avatars in order to investigate the potential of generative AI.

Beyond the early testing, the corporation has yet to reveal any intentions for more extensive adoption of this technology.

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Written by Alveena Ahmad


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