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Does your website pass the 5 second test?

“The online world is an attention economy but unfortunately attention is scare because it is finite. So if you want people to pay attention to you, you need to earn it”.

1… 2… 3… 4… 5…

The social media trends may change but there are few strategies that always work the same way. Attracting visitors for your website depends largely on your creativity. Your ideas for attracting more and more visitors can take your website from zero to a thousand visitors a month.

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On web, the effect of human behavior is just as prevalent as in the real world; first impressions are central and quick in helping people understand about your website. But if your content is not good enough, the audience will spare no time in moving on to your competitors’ website. You have to create a platform that clearly compels the audience to stick to your website.

In order to rise above the noise of billions and billions of websites content that is being shared globally, you need to take the 5 second Test.

What is 5-second Test?

It does not take much time for people to decide what they like and dislike, in the digital world it is only a matter of 5 seconds. According to researchers, some visitors only spend a fraction of a second to understand the quality of the website. They scan through pages for quite a few seconds and move forward for their required information.

The 5 second test is an easy and simple test and makes you understand whether you can grab a visitors attention or not. Netflix is a great example of attracting visitors on the first place. It provides all the components that are important for sales process. You can look for the kind of service you want because it offers all information on its page.

Run a five second test on your freelance website:

You can use various applications and services to help you run this test for your website. is a platform which asks you to enter the URL for your website. Once it’s set up, you can forward the test URL to all the people you know and whom you are sure that they will give you feedback. It is not at all a boring test; it is designed in a super easy way so that people do not hesitate to take it. With a single post, it will be easy to get 20 or more testers and by posting your test URL in the comments area will allow the freelancer folder community to give you their feedback.

The Results:

After generating the feedback of all the people in full, you can have an insight into people’s first impressions. You can evaluate two things from the feedback

  1. First: A Clear message should be given on your homepage because less meaningful content can compel users to jump off to other sites. If the message given is not clear then you better focus on making it a prominent one on your website, stay connected with your users. Reach out to even those users who have asked for an advice or answer people who have questioned about your website. In this way it will be easy for you to grab the attention of the customers.
  2. Second: Is the message enough to grab the attention? Our brain pays more attention to things that are in contrast to other things and are explained more openly. You need to track this evolutionary trait in humans, focus on what attracts them. Find changes in your pattern so that people do not ignore and pay attention to your website.

It’s not easy to get attention of people but if you built up your own audience then you easily pitch your story to users. By testing your homepage with this five second test, you can easily understand your clients’ preferences and attract traffic to your website.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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