
10 Websites that Will Pay You to Write, Instantly

A year back we looked at some websites that pay well to the writers. As a freelance writer, you can make good money by offering content writing services on different freelance marketplaces as well as on other websites that are constantly looking for quality writers.

Let’s take a look at 10 new websites that are looking for content writers and pay well too.

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#1. Scotch

Scotch is a blog focused on web development and hired contractual writers to contribute articles and tutorials. They accept different tutorials focused on web development-related projects. They pay $150 per article.

#2. Music Tuts+

If you are a writer with passion and love for music, you can get paid $50 for every article.

#3. Code Tuts+

Focused on web development tutorials. If you can write on PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java, HTML5, etc, they pay around $100 to $250 depending on the quality of your article. The maximum price of $250 is for contributors who cover in-depth tutorials.

#4. Bitch Media

They are looking for both online, and print magazine writers and pay around $150 for articles.

 #5. Tenderly

Their target audience consists of vegetarians, vegans, and lifestyles. The company claims to pay $200 per article if it is accepted.

#6. B. Michelle Pippin

It’s a business blog looking for writers to write about making money online. They pay $50-150 per accepted article.

#7. Back to College

They pay writers to write about education for older students and adult learners for back to college. They pay $55 per accepted article.

#8. MoneyPantry

They pay writers to write an article about money, saving it, and investments. They pay $30 to $100 per accepted article.

#9. Better Humans

Got a flair for self-development, write for Better humans. They pay up to $500 for a quality article they accept.

#10. Vector Tuts+

This website is designed galore. If you are a designer who loves writing. This website pays you to write articles, and tutorials for designing such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Inkscape, Sketch app, and CorelDRAW.

They pay up to $200 for an accepted tutorial on designing.

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Written by Alveena Ahmad


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