
What to Look for When Buying a New Mobile Phone?

When Buying a New Cell Phone?

How to Choose the Best Mobile Phone

Planning to buy a new phone? What you should be looking into and what you should be ignoring. What brands to look for and what not waste money on. There are over a zillion factors that you should be considering all at the same time. We thought of roping in a few factors and help you with your decision making.

The Brand Juggle of Cell Phones

Enter into a mobile shop or visit an online store and the very first confusion you have to deal with is that of choosing between different brands. The Pakistani market is stuffed with dozens of mobile brands ranging from low end phones to high phones. There are brands that offer for exclusive features such as Apple with products like Apple iPhone 7 Plus and then there are rather young vibrating ones such as Google with Google Pixel XL. Our humble advice don’t fall for hype. It is so that debacles like Samsung mobile phones – Galaxy Note 7 happen.

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Let’s Compare Mobile Phone:

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Size Matters

If you are still under the impression that size does not matter then let us burst that bubble of yours, NO, size does matter. You can be extra comfortable carrying the extra-large phablet seize phone but some of us may warry even if the phone crosses the 5-inch standard. Decide fair enough what you want. Games, videos, selfies are all choices that look good with larger displays. And if you are looking for something standard and want to stick to basic features then pick something smaller in size. Though Mobile Phones prices these days are quite affordable and have adopted standard size of 5-inch. Google Pixel XL for say came out with a size of 5-inch while iPhone 7 Plus carried a size of 5.50-inch.

Running with RAM

Looking for a phone that can help you get done with your calls and messages then for sure go with something that is RAM short. But if you are planning to run your office through your phone or want to finish your assignments with the tiny thing then you need to have one with greater RAM size. Standard RAM size these days acceptable by users widely happens to be 2GB. Anything short of 2GB makes the user skeptical. Your movies, those high definition games, and half a dozen of apps that you cannot live without can kill your phone is your RAM is anything less than the standard 2 GB. Brands likes Samsung, Google, Huawei, and Apple all are now pushing their RAM limits to new heights, so go for as high as possible.

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Storage the Next Big Thing

After RAM the next big thing happens to be your phone storage be it internal or the add-on one. The reasoning for this is pretty much the same as that of RAM. The more you need to store the more build-in storage you should go with. These days some of the most basic of app, such as Google, Facebook, and WhatsApp have become too heavy to be supported by smaller storage sized phones. With our growing social circles we need to store all sorts of data including favorite songs and movies. Among the recent launches of Apple iPhone 7 may disappoint you a bit as it does not allow for SD card insertion but phones like Samsung s7 and Google Pixel XL come with external memory option so you can easily build upon your storage for as much you want to.

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Falling Short in Mobile Phone Charging:

Battery Life

There can be a number of aspects if not hundreds to look into before buying a new smartphone. But the chase normally ends at one most important one, the battery life. Will this phone last the whole day, is a question we definitely ask before buying a phone. Whether you are buying the Google Pixel XL or the iPhone 7 Plus, the brand name, the RAM, the storage everything goes secondary if you are not satisfied with the battery life. Remember your games, your surfing and the call time are the most battery consuming applications let alone your all time running ones such as Messenger and WhatsApp. Pick up a phone that can accompany throughout the day without urging you to charge at regular intervals. Our picks among the newer ones are Google Pixel XL, with 3450mAH battery and iPhone 7 Plus with a 2900mAH battery life.

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Written by Ozair Akhtar

I am an experienced Digital Marketing, Branding & Advertising professional having an expertise in SEO, SEM, Social Media, Blogging, Video-Visual Marketing, Content-Copy Writing, Online PR, Business Development, and Sales generation.


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