
The Easiest & Quickest Way To Monetize As A Writer in 2024

What's the quickest way to monetize writing skill?

I hear this question a lot:

“How can I make money fast using my writing skills?”

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You might think of things like:

  • Selling online things
  • Paid newsletters
  • Getting paid to tell others about stuff

But the truth is, all these ways mean you become a full-time writer.

The truth is, that making something new takes time.

Even when you do things right, it takes a while for your work to grow and start making money by itself.

  • So how can you make extra money now?
  • You might look at other ways to earn money, like:
  • Buying and selling houses Selling things online Buying parts of companies or money

Again, these things take time to earn money, and you can lose cash.

But there’s a good way to make money as a writer.

To earn more quickly and get paid to learn, try Premium Ghostwriting.

You can earn money with your writing skills.  If you help others, you can make lots of money.

Read More: Make money writing by following these 8 ways

Let’s talk about why Premium Ghostwriting is the fastest and easiest way to start making money as a writer:

Reason One: Ghostwriting is Cheap to Start

You don’t need much money to start a one-person ghostwriting job.

Here’s what you need:

  • An email-free
  • A social media page (like X or LinkedIn) – free
  • A website maker called Card – only $9 a year

That’s it!

This is way less money than starting other kinds of jobs, online or in the real world.

Even though other jobs like selling things online, buying crypto coins, or buying houses might look like more money, they take a long time to make a lot of money.

This brings us to the second reason.

Point Two: Writing for others is a fast way to make money.

Let’s talk more about how quickly you can earn cash by writing for others.

You can start looking for your first writing job today on your social media.

Lots of people and companies need help with their online writing. They want to reach more people, get more customers, and look better online.

So, if you can:

  • Find a big problem that people want to fix 
  • Tell these people why they need to fix this problem 
  • Show them how you can fix this problem

Then you can get paid a lot of money faster than selling your things online.

Point Three: Free Time to Write

You don’t get paid by the word or the hour as a Top Writer.

You get paid for the finished work.

Here’s how much you can earn as a Top Writer:

There are 5 levels in the Ghostwriter Income


  • Charging per word 
  • Charging per hour 
  • Charging per month 
  • Charging per asset
  • Charging per outcome

Reach Level 4 as soon as you can, then remain there and build up your cash.

Most writers are just starting.

But great writers are like wizards. They make magic things for their bosses. These magic things make money. 

Bosses don’t care how long it takes or how many words it has. They want the magic thing to work.

Smart writers work less but get paid more. This is how they make lots of money in just a few hours each day.

Reason four: You can work from anywhere as a ghostwriter.

Your ghostwriting job can be done online:

  • You can find clients online. 
  • You can talk to clients online. 
  • You can give your work online. 
  • This means you can work from any place you like.

Not being stuck in one place and having lots of time to work means you can work when you want and make good money writing.

Read more: From Blogging to Storytelling: 6 Creative Content Types Writers Need

Reason five: Ghostwriting helps you learn fast.

When you start work, you learn a lot.

If you do things, not just think, your work ideas will be tested in real life.

You will learn how to run a work. However, other ways to make money take longer to see results.

With ghostwriting, you can start now and learn these things:

  • Finding new people
  • Talking to people to sell
  • Making lots of helpful content
  • Helping people and giving them good work

You will also get better at writing.

These skills help you in all your work and life.

What therefore happens when someone asks us: “What’s the quickest way to monetize my writing skill?”

The simple (and only) answer is:

Premium Ghostwriting.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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