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Whatsapp copying Snapchat’s inspired feature.

Facebook and WhatsApp always step back and take the long view for SnapChat’s features. Instead of reinventing the wheels, they are focusing their efforts on copying the features that are most demanded among their competitor’s audience.

It would be safe to day, SnapChat is a bench mark of innovation.

Recently, WhatsApp has started testing image-sharing features that are similar to Snapchat. In both iOS and Android version of the WhatsApp, the project named as “Status” was revealed in recent beta releases. This project is present in the tab menu between chats and calls. The users will be able to add their captions and hand-written messages or doodles similar to that of Snapchat.

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In the previous years, Facebook has lost a lot of its millennial to its competitors SnapChat and Instagram. The tech giant therefore is now acting impertinently these platforms. At first, the company tried to acquire Instagram for an amount of $1 billion and then got attracted to SnapChat. According to CEO Evan Spiegel of SnapChat, the company turned down the tech giant’s $3 billion cash offer and preferred to take its platform on a stronger position.

Now, with the third-largest social network SnapChat is estimated to be of $25 billion. It is now heading for an IPO as it is the most popular among millennial and younger generation.

Whereas Facebook, is currently under stressful situation as it is losing a big portion of younger audience to its competitors. People are not much interested in posting their personal updates even with Facebook’s newly launched features such as Facebook Live and 360-degree video. Especially Facebook Live is becoming an irritating feature among users.

This is the reason, Facebook has opted the policy of imitating its competitor, SnapChat. But it’s not copying SnapChat’s features as they are; Facebook is presenting them with an upgraded version.

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Written by mebeing


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