Where SEOs Find Their Clients: A Shocking Survey

Where SEOs Find Their Clients

Aleyda Solis recently released findings from her SEOFOMO survey, which provides valuable insights into how SEOs acquire clients, the types of clients they serve, and the methods they use to promote their services.

Aleyda Solis, a prominent figure in digital marketing with a focus on International SEO, is well-regarded for her SEOFOMO and MarketingFOMO newsletters. She is known for her advocacy of SEO best practices and her frequent speaking engagements at global search conferences.

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The survey, which involved 337 self-selected SEO specialists, sheds light on the client acquisition strategies of SEO businesses, the nature of their clientele, and their activities in 2024. The data offers actionable takeaways for digital marketers aiming to expand their business.

Where SEOs Find Their Clients

Key Findings


The majority of respondents specialize in Technical SEO, which is crucial for optimizing websites by addressing issues that affect search engine crawling, indexing, and content understanding. The specialization breakdown is as follows:

  • 64% Technical SEO
  • 60% Content-Focused SEO
  • 54% SEO Generalist
  • 51% SEO Management
  • 14% Link Builder
  • 8% Other

Only 14% of respondents identified link building as their primary focus, indicating its complexity and the challenge of specializing in this area.

Respondent Profile

  • 44% are full-time agency SEO consultants
  • 32% are freelance or independent SEO consultants
  • 24% are part-time SEO consultants
  • 6% categorized themselves as Other

Client Base

The survey shows that most SEOs work with small to medium-sized clients. Specifically:

  • 49% work with sites having fewer than 100K URLs
  • 33% work with sites between 100K and 1 million URLs

Local search SEO remains a significant segment, with advancements in technology facilitating the scaling of services for small to medium businesses. Platforms like Wix and Duda now integrate marketing and SEO tools, easing client management and scaling for SEO agencies.

18% of respondents work with larger clients, which can be lucrative but often comes with limited influence and frequent compromises.

Client Acquisition Channels

  • Referrals: 77% of respondents cited referrals from other companies and clients as their top source of new business. Building strong relationships and delivering excellent service are key to generating referrals.
  • Search Rankings: 39% reported acquiring clients through ranking for specific phrases, which is especially effective for SEOs focusing on niche markets or geographic areas.
  • Social Media: 26% use social media to gain clients and referrals. Engaging in social media and building a large following can enhance visibility and attract clients.
  • Events: 25% of respondents use speaking engagements and events to generate clients or referrals. Successful event speaking requires engaging content and a confident presentation style.
  • Other Channels: Additional sources include blog posts, studies, and research (15%), cold outreach (14%), and paid outreach (9%).

In summary, securing clients in SEO involves proactive efforts, from fostering client relationships and leveraging various marketing channels to showcasing expertise. Whether through social media, events, or search rankings, understanding and utilizing your strengths can significantly enhance client acquisition and business growth.

Read the results of the survey here:

The SEOFOMO State of SEO Consulting – Survey 2024 Results

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