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Will 2019 be the year of the IoT?

It seems as if every year there are a large number of news reports and analysis articles that tout the coming year as the one where the Internet of Things (IoT) finally becomes adopted on a large scale. That promise never quite delivers, and the IoT continues to be an outlier on the fringes of cutting-edge tech. The question of whether 2019 is the year that we finally see the IoT adopted across the private and public sector is not easy to assess. However, as the technology continues to evolve and the uses of the IoT becomes more obvious, it could be that 2019 is the year that we finally start seeing the IoT prove its potential.

Bundled Packages

Part of the problem for the IoT is that buying individual items can take a long time, and the costs can rise quickly. As new connected devices become available, integrating them into your current smart systems is easy, but waiting for those technologies to a) be available, and b) cost-effective, has proven to be the biggest barrier to more widespread adoption of this tech. However, as IoT providers and retailers start to bundle packages so that you can integrate your smart and connected devices in one go through one purchase, expect to see more private use and more adoption by businesses.

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Software Challenges

With everything from kettles to temperature systems being connected through the IoT, software is once again at the forefront of the coming smart revolution. Open source software has been widely accepted as the main driver of the IoT, and with software companies aiming firmly at a more connected world, they continue to remain at the forefront. The DesignRush software developer list is the ideal starting place for those looking at developing their own IoT connected technologies. These can help you to create newly connected devices that reflect your sector, and potentially open up entirely new consumer markets.

Smarter Cities

The next big leap for the IoT is most likely going to be the growth of the smart city. When the IoT can help cities to better manage traffic flow, transport, police management, and utilities, it’s no wonder that cities around the world are looking at how it can be of benefit. Cities like Amsterdam and Barcelona are leading the way, with Dubai and Nice catching up quickly. There are risks to this that will need to be addressed. Cyber criminals are expected to transition away from targeting small business and instead target the cities themselves. Cyber crime prevention is, therefore, going to need a high level of priority when it comes to seeing the IoT adopted in metropolitan areas.

There are certainly some challenges ahead for the IoT. Whether or not it becomes more prolific in 2019 remains to be seen, and will largely depend on accessibility and cost. As the number of connected devices in homes and business continues to grow, the inevitability of the IoT remains a fact that must be addressed by everyone hoping to remain on the cutting-edge.

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