
Science says, if you are kind you can be a good leader

We recently saw an amazing act of kindness by Newzeland prime minister. Young New Zealand P.M, Jacinda Ardern shows the world – How to be an amazing leader.

We are consistently buried in a sea of serious information and dig through many studies to find the focus on topics such as performance, engagement, results, or commitment. We pay attention to data and graphs that may give us insight on how to improve our skills as a leader. But sometimes, it is the simplest thing that reveals the actual message. In today’s world, the lack of kindness is a problem that stops us from becoming a true leader.

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Kindness is one of the greatest qualities of a true leader and you don’t have to look very far to find stories that promote random acts of kindness. Research has proved that even before their own credibility, leaders who project warmth are more effective as compared to people who lead with toughness.

Following are the ways simple kindness can bring more success as a true leader:

Celebrating the achievements of others:

Research has shown that celebrating the success of others at work means that you actually care about them. This is the inspiration that makes workers strive for greater outcomes. Being happy for other people’s achievements give them more happiness and make them work better. This way of being kind not only encourages others to do work but also creates a better environment to achieve better outcomes. You should cheer for the achievements of others. Follow these 5 Habits of exceptionally successful leaders

Networking is easier:

When you are kind to others, networking becomes a lot easier. Because of caring about the people you meet you make sincere connections. According to the researchers, around 72 percent of the award-winning projects involve people talking and asking questions to people who may not be in their social circle. It helps to know the perspectives of people who you may not know anything about and appreciate their opinion.

Improves relationships:

Although, corrective conversations are not considered as acts of kindness true leaders, who express kindness, build better and stronger relationships with others. Their sincere desire to help employees to do better helps them to become the best. A study by Harvard Business Review has revealed that an important thing that holds leaders to become great is their inability to create trusting relationships. Experts have given the signs to identify a true leader, following are the 5 Signs of authentic leadership

Kindness is something that we should be teaching our children to practice intentionally towards themselves and others. Random acts of kindness are great but we should not overlook the opportunities to be kind on purpose and to make this world a better place to live.

The Article originally appeared on INC

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Written by Ahmed Shaami


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