
Younger users are spending 32 minutes on app daily


The recent research has shown that Instagram is now younger user’s most important social network. On this photo sharing app, youngsters under the age of 25 are known to spend an average of more than 32 minutes of their every day. The users who are above the age of 25 spend more than 24 minutes of their day on the platform.

The rise of popularity of Instagram has a lot to do with the addition of its Stories feature. As an imitation to the SnapChat’s feature using the same name, Instagram launched its own version of Stories almost a year ago. This feature allows users to upload their short videos that disappear after 24 hours. The feature’s popularity increased Instagram users up to 250 million daily users.

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For the platform’s biggest rival SnapCHat, this is actually pretty shocking. Only 166 million users were reported for the entire app. But the time spent on SnapChat is far more as compared that of users on Instagram which according to the first quarter, SnapCHat users spent over 30 minutes daily on the app.

If we look from advertisers’ perspective, time spent by users is an extremely important metric. This is something that tells them that which is the platform they like to spend more time for checking updates. This can help them from an overall marketing outlook.

Via: BloomBerg

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