Zindigi Launches US Dollar-Based Account for Pakistani Freelancers

Zindigi Launches US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account

Zindigi, in partnership with JS Bank, is significantly impacting Pakistan’s freelancer ecosystem by introducing its US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account. This new offering is tailored to support Pakistan’s rapidly growing community of freelancers, estimated at around 4 million, by addressing critical financial management challenges and streamlining payment processes for this dynamic workforce.

Freelancers often face difficulties managing and receiving international payments, with issues like currency conversion adding to their frustrations. The Zindigi US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account aims to solve these problems by enabling seamless global transactions. Payments in US Dollars can be directly deposited into the account, with easy conversion to Pakistani Rupees (PKR) available when needed.

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This innovative account provides a gateway to global earnings with features designed specifically for freelancers. Users can instantly open and maintain a USD account, benefit from competitive conversion and international transaction fees with the Zindigi debit card, obtain in-app account certificates, and receive payments from freelance platforms through an IBAN account number. Additionally, freelancers can schedule and initiate recurring payment requests from clients, simplifying their financial management further.

Noman Azhar, Chief Officer of Zindigi, commented, “Our US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account reflects Zindigi’s dedication to empowering Pakistan’s freelancer community. This account allows freelancers to bypass cumbersome branch visits, avoid unnecessary questions, and skip lengthy processes.

Instead, they’ll receive top-notch service tailored to their unique financial needs, including the convenience of holding dollars directly in their accounts. Our objective is to augment the worldwide income prospects of independent contractors in Pakistan and foster the nation’s economic expansion by providing tailored financial solutions.”

The Zindigi US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account is set to make a substantial impact, recognizing and supporting the essential role of Pakistan’s freelancers in driving the nation’s economic revival and sustainability.

To get your Zindigi US Dollar-Based Freelancer Account, download the Zindigi App today.Zindigi App today.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar


That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)