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Zoom will not encrypt free calls instead they will be monitored by FBI

In a bizarre turn of events, Zoom CEO cited that people using the free version of Zoom will not only get end to end encryption instead if requested, calls by the users will be given to law enforcement authorities. Basically, Mr. Yuan said that free users won`t have access to their level of privacy than people who paid for the service.

Keep in mind that Google Duo and Apple Facetime both have an end to end encryption and these apps are free to use. Since Zoom is based in China it’s also bringing the culture with it by spying on users and giving their information to law enforcement authorities. US Congress is already in talks for a bill that allows no encryption over social media. If passed this means that any criminal will be able to access your information without any encryption. Off-topic, one wonders, is this a reason why Google banned its employees from using Zoom?

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Many Safety and Human Rights advocates have warned that many criminals use Zoom along with other video platforms to stream abuse. This was the reason why companies like Zoom is foregoing end-to-end encryption in hopes to help Law enforcement authorities. However, this might backfire as many non-state actors might use this as leverage to instigate false flags and misinformation.

A start to finish model, which implies nobody however the members and their gadgets can see and hear what’s going on, would likewise need to prohibit individuals who bring in from a phone line.

From a business point of view, it is difficult to procure cash when offering an advanced and costly encryption administration for nothing. Facebook is wanting to completely encode Messenger, however, it wins colossal totals from its different services as its charges not a single penny

Zoom is additionally managing controllers, for example, the U.S. FTC, which is investigating its past cases about encryption that have been condemned as misrepresented or bogus

With the Justice Department and a few individuals from Congress censuring solid encryption, Zoom could draw undesirable new consideration through a significant development around there

Zoom further elaborated policy that Zoom will not monitor the meet & greet but will monitor when children are present in hopes of decreasing child abuse. This does seem smoke and mirrors as recently congress passed a bill that allowed Law enforcement agencies to access US citizen browser history without a warrant.

As the old saying “if you can`t defeat them join them” that is what Zoom is doing. The real questions that any sane person might raise are what if they are already giving up user information to Law enforcement agencies even for the paid ones? And why should users use Zoom knowing that there are other free options to use.

In hindsight, these might be valid queries but from my perspective Zoom just wants to kill the free service and it is doing in this manner. Zoom is already taking huge hits as Users are signing up to Google Meet and Other Free services that offer better service.


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Written by Sarmed Malik


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