
10 things you must do today to live a life without regret

If you were at the end of life, how would you feel about the choices you made in your life? It does sound morbid it is the most powerful exercise that can force your mind to think about what you would have done better. Instead of wishing you could go back in time and stop yourself from making wrong and painful choices, you can do some of the things differently to live a life without regrets.

Before it’s too late and you start having regrets, you should make some of the seemingly uncomfortable changes to live a better life:

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1. Stop wasting time:

When it comes to getting things done, tomorrow seems a lot better and makes you put off things that are most important. Instead of lying to yourself that you will do things later, don’t waste time and get things done in the present time.

2. Don’t complain:

Most of the time, people don’t do work because they find refuge in complaining about things. But you must know that more time you spend complaining, the harder it becomes to come out of a difficult situation. Do not adopt a victim’s mentality by complaining and make progress by implementing new ideas.

3. Take advantage of every new day:

Every new day brings new opportunities; therefore, stop thinking about the mistakes you made previously. Take advantage of the chances that you get in that new day and do things as best as you can so that you don’t regret.

4. Don’t make excuses:

There are so many people around us who have no disabilities and still find all kinds of excuses to make progress in life. But there are so many of those who do have real disabilities but they don’t make them their excuses and become an inspiration for others. Instead of making excuses, look for ways to do things in a better way.

5. Let go of comparison:

Comparing yourself with others can stop you in your tracks and stop you from making any kind of progress. No matter how much is achieved by other people around you, always remember you have your own unique path to walk on. Don’t get distracted by comparing yourself with others and see your own journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.

6. Always follow your heart:

For living a life without regrets, always remember that you are going to die one day so; there is no reason not to follow your heart. Don’t care for people’s opinions and reactions towards your decisions and actions. Do what your heart desires because there is nothing more frightening than getting to the end of life and realize you wasted the opportunities.

7. Improve yourself:

Today, learning has become easier than ever before. You can’t make excuses not to improve your own self because there is easy availability of every kind of resources that can make you more knowledgeable. Invest your time in refining yourself by learning from the success stories of inspiring people.

8. Never give up:

Giving up on yourself is like putting an end to your own life. No matter how hard life becomes around you, never give up on your own self. It is because many important things have been accomplished by people in history when they kept on trying despite there was no hope.

9. Find someone to guide you:

An important element that keeps you inspired all your life is the presence of someone you truly admire. Having a mentor makes a huge impact on your life and happiness, therefore, find a mentor, and master the skills you find most inspiring.

10. Save your money:

This may be the most uncomfortable thing to do but you will always feel happier about it in your life. Saving money can help you stay financially independent and saves you from getting under the burden of debt which can obviously make your life hell. Make savings account and don’t touch it until you are in dire need of it.

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Written by Alveena Ahmad


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