WhatsApp is rolling out an unused update for Android users through the Google Play Beta Program, with version presenting an exciting feature—event creation in-person chats. Recently, WhatsApp has rolled out this event creation feature in group chats.
This update builds on the event scheduling highlight accessible only in group chats and community announcements, allowing users to set up events specifically in one-on-one discussions.
The process includes a required title field, an optional description, a date, and an end time. Users can too include a area or link the event to an audio or video call, empowering consistent arranging for both in-person and virtual gatherings.
Once an event is made, it’s naturally shared with the chat member, who can acknowledge or decrease the invitation. This usefulness streamlines planning, reducing the requirement for back-and-forth messaging.
The highlight, set for a future release, aims to upgrade coordination and improve the WhatsApp experience, particularly for individual gatherings, tutoring sessions, or other one-on-one activities.