The 20 best business books of 2016

People all over the world understand the importance of books both in traditional and digital formats. Books are vital for our development, cultural identity and also serve as a springboard for learning further skills.

Every year numerous books are published on may subjects and it is difficult to keep a track of all. But following list contains business books of 2016 which were considered best among the rest.

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  • Shoe Dog
    Author: Phil Knight
    This book is about lessons learnt while laying the foundations of the world’s biggest athletic company, Nike.
  • The Undoing Project
    Author: Michael Lewis
    It is based on the history’s most prominent psychologists Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky.
  • Payoff
    Author: Dan Ariely
    This book argues for human motivation to be more intricate than it is believed.payoff-by-dan-ariely
  • Pivot
    Author: Jenny Blake
    This is a good book for people who are interested in making a carrier change.
  • Never split the difference:
    Author: Chris Voss and Tahl Raz
    This book is based on amazing psychology behind negotiations learned from years of working by the former FBI negotiator Chris Voss.
  • The man who knew:
    Author: Sebastian Mallaby
    It revolves around Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987-2006.
  • Chaos Monkeys:
    Author: Antonio Garcia Martinez
    This book tears away the gleam of Silicon Valley’s sensibly maintained world-saving image.
  • Tools of Titans
    Author: Tim Ferries
    After conducting 100 interviews of highly successful people, Tim Ferries has written down his best lessons learnt during the process.
  • Smarter Faster Better
    Author: Charles Duhigg
    This book is based on the argument that the key to productivity and creativity is methodical thinking and behavior.
  • Designing Your Life
    Authors: Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
    Written by the professors in the design program, this book is big attraction for people who want to apply the principles of design thinking strategy for improving on a product or experience.
  • Pre-Suasion
    Author: Robert Cialdini
    It tells the reads on how to create an environment for achieving what they want from themselves as well as from others.
  • Negotiating the Nonnegotiable
    Author: Daniel Shapiro
    These are distilled tip by the founder and director of the Harvard International Negotiation program on the major conflict management initiatives in the Middle East alongside working with prominent business executives.
  • Makers and Takers
    Author: Rana Foroohar
    It describes the chief lessons of financial crises of 2008 that are still unlearned.
  • Grit
    Author: Angela Duckworth
    The author in this book encourages readers to start questioning their own potential for achieving success.
  • The Inevitable
    Author: Kevin Kelly
    This is an insight into the shaping of future by growing forces such as artificial intelligence and the on-demand economy.
  • Superbosses
    Author: Sydney Finkelstein
    This book is good for changing the perceptions about successful leadership. According to the author, key traits and behaviors can help any manager to become a super boss.
  • Sprint
    Authors: Jake Knapp, John Zeratcky, and Braden Kowitz
    Sprint can help you in bringing some of the Google’s magic into your office without making an investment or installing a strange slide.
  • The Power Paradox
    Author: Dacher Keltner
    Based on years of study of University of California, Berkeley psychologist explains power dynamics in various relationship contexts. He says that the key for lasting influence is showing sympathy to other individuals.
  • Earning It
    Author:  Joann S. Lublin
    This book contains valuable lessons learnt by the interviews of some of the high powered women including IBM chief Virginia Roometty, former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, and Popeyes CEO Cheryl Bachelder.
  • Deep Work
    Author: Cal Newport
    This book explains how sessions of deep work can be built to become more productive in a short span rather than wasting the whole day.deep-work-by-cal-newport















Via Businessinsider

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